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UW Department of Health Systems and Population Health (HSPop) faculty are involved in a broad range of activities centered around population health research and public health practice. Faculty have a long and successful history of securing government and private support for projects that range in jurisdictional scope from local, regional, state, national, to global.

HSPop faculty play an important role in improving health and shaping health care systems and policy worldwide by developing and testing interventions and translating research into practice. Faculty participate, collaborate, and lead a variety of organizations and associations outside the University of Washington. Through these relationships, faculty can provide additional experiences and opportunities to students.


All Faculty


Neil F Abernethy

Associate Professor


Research Interests: Public Health Informatics standards, epidemic models, and molecular epidemiology in the context of global health; scientific and social networks as they pertain to collaborative research; novel 3-D imaging displays; environmental interventions for infectious disease; high-throughput biology; evolutionary game theory.

Ellen Ann Ahlness Abdulmuminov

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Qualitative research methods, social determinants of health, health workforce, Veteran health, indigenous health policy

Mohamed Ali

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Health equity; environmental justice

Susan Allan

Associate Professor Emeritus

Research Interests: Public health practice; emergency preparedness; public health law

Antoinette Angulo

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Currently: Adult experiential learning; Community-driven action for environmental justice; Storytelling in community health assessments. Generally: Community building for health; Bridging evidence and policymaking; Qualitative research & evaluation; Latinx/e health; multi-sectoral collaboration to advance health equity; leadership development

Juan M. Aragon

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Strategy, Ambulatory Care, Innovation, Care Transformation, Impact of Healthcare Consolidation

Patricia Atwater

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Abortion access; tobacco and nicotine addiction treatment and recover; health disparities; queer and transgender health

Geoff R. Austin

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Health economics and finance; management

Wendy Baesler

Research Interests: Financial management; not-for-profit accounting

Omid Bagheri Garakani

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Racism; health equity; policy

Emily Bancroft

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Health workforce; health informatics; supply chain management; health systems strengthening; Sub-Saharan Africa

Sahar Banijamali

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Caregiving; home care services and workforce; health promotion and behavior change; health promotion; equity; comparative effectiveness; equity, and survey design

Caleb J. Banta-Green

Adjunct Research Professor


Research Interests: Drug abuse epidemiology; health services research; youth substance abuse prevention; drug overdose prevention; drug treatment services research

Barbara Baquero

Associate Professor


Research Interests: Health equity; racial and ethnic health; urban and rural disparities; community-based participatory research; social and structural determinants of health; Latino and immigrant populations; chronic disease; cancer prevention and control

Kathleen Barker

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Laboratory ethics and management

Wendy Barrington

Associate Professor


Research Interests: Social determinants and health disparities; obesity and cancer prevention; community-based participatory research (CBPR)

Janet G. Baseman

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Applied epidemiology in public health practice; informatics; infectious disease epidemiology; surveillance; coronavirus; Covid-19; emerging diseases; epidemics; pandemics; disease outbreaks

Anirban Basu



Research Interests: Health econometrics; cost-effectiveness; comparative effectiveness and value of information analyses; quality of life; spill-over effects; substantive focus on cancer, mental health and diabetes

Betty Bekemeier

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Effective public health system performance; public health financing; local public health service variation and population health impact; disparities in public health system resource allocation; public health workforce development and leadership

Katie Bell

Clinical Assistant Professor

Michelle Bell

Associate Professor Emeritus

Research Interests: Health and social policy; Organization and delivery of community-based services; Adolescent health; Minority health.

Basia Belza

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Nursing; gerontology; role transitions

Mary Beth Bennett

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Health communication, effective public health campaigning, vaccine education, preventive health, climate justice, health equity, health benefits of tax credits and other financial supports

Noelle Benzekri

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Sociobehavioral research, qualitative methods, mixed methods, implementation, and community-based research; One Health and Planetary Health; food security; traditional healers; HIV/AIDS; tuberculosis; zoonotic viruses

Stephen Bezruchka

Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Effective methods of disseminating determinants of population health to the general population so they work to change societal structures to improve America’s health; theories of global health asking the question why do countries order by health outcomes such as life expectancy in the Health Olympics?; medical harm and the lack of interest in the USA for responding to this marked health risk; medical tourism and its affect on host populations

Sharon Bogan

Affiliate Instructor


Layla Goli Booshehri

Clinical Assistant Professor

Tara Bostock

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Health communication; health disparities

Katharine Bradley

Affiliate Professor

Research Interests: Alcoholism prevention (screening, intervention and epidemiology in primary care setting); women’s health; post-traumatic stress disorder

Brian W. Bresnahan

Adjunct Research Associate Professor

Research Interests: Radiology; health economics

Karyn Brownson

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Firearm injury prevention; community trauma and resilience; suicide prevention; child and youth violence and injury prevention

Katrin Burkart

Research Interests: Sustainable Communities, Climate Change, Environmental Health, Heat, Infectious diseases, Risk Assessment

Tania Busch Isaksen


Research Interests: Environmental and occupational health

Miruna Buta

Associate Teaching Professor


Research Interests: Healthy aging; social network analysis; organizational collaboration; dissemination and implementation science; chronic disease prevention and control

Lisa Callegari

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Interests: Interventions to promote patient-centered reproductive health care, provider-patient communication, reproductive planning, and contraceptive counseling; shared decision making; the intersection of mental health and reproductive health

Miranda Calmjoy

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Health equity; Health in All Policies; social determinants of health; reproductive justice

Kate Causey

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Social determinants of health; labor unions and organizing; health equity

Sarah H. Cave

Clinical Associate Professor


Research Interests: Management of health care organizations

Kwun Chuen Gary Chan


Research Interests: Survival analysis and stochastic processes; epidemiological design and analysis; missing data and causal inference; nonlinear mixed models and predictions; semiparametric models

Geetanjali Chander

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests: Substance use (alcohol use in particular); Communicable (HIV, TB, HCV) and non-communicable (alcohol-related liver disease) diseases; Epidemiological studies, clinical trials and implementation research to improve outcomes for persons with alcohol and other substance use disorders and HIV infection

Pia Chaparro

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Nutrition and children; social determinants

Michael Chapko

Research Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Ambulatory care; long-term care; cost-effectiveness

Van Chaudhari

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Health care operations; strategy planning; primary care innovations; team-based panel management; ACOs; care transformation and quality improvement; lean; six sigma standardization; care pathways

Elise Chayet

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Safety net health care delivery systems; Public health policy particularly on the intersection of health status, health care delivery and social determinants of health, such as housing; Financing public health interventions

Anthony Chen

Clinical Associate Professor

Research Interests: Community health planning and program development; quality and systems improvement; access to health care; cross-cultural medicine and cultural competency in health care; hepatitis B and liver cancer in Asian and Pacific Islander communities

Jessica Chen

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Roxana Chen

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Research Interests: chronic disease disparities; health equity; social determinants of health; community-based participatory research; mixed methods to evaluate community and population-level interventions

Angel Cheung

Clinical Instructor

Donald L Chi



Research Interests: Children’s oral health inequalities; social and behavioral determinants of oral health; community-based behavioral interventions; Alaska Native oral health disparities; preventive care decision making in pediatric dentistry; Medicaid

Norma B Coe

Affiliate Associate Professor

Research Interests: Long-term care; disability policy; health insurance; how government programs impact health and behavior; how health/disability and the labor market are intertwined

Allison M Cole

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Cancer screening and prevention; implementation science; primary care practice-based research

Jean Colley

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Communication with health care professionals

Francesca Collins

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Sexual health; reproductive justice; harm-reduction practices at the intersection of substance use and communicable diseases; health education; behavior change counseling; community outreach and advocacy

Jim Condon

Associate Teaching Professor


Research Interests: Student outcomes; healthcare disparities; health care finance; management principles

Frederick A Connell

Professor Emeritus

Research Interests: Pediatrics health services and epidemiological research; health outcomes; medicaid; access to care.

Douglas A Conrad

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Vertical integration in health services; integrated health systems; impact of financial incentives on physician behavior

Tj Cosgrove


Research Interests: Health system reform; health equity; adolescent health; school-based health; leadership development

Beverly Court

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Evidence-based public policy development; Medicaid/Medicare dual eligible populations; implementation of Medicaid health reform and chronic care management for high risk/high cost Medicaid clients

Audrey Lynn Covner

Clinical Associate Professor


Research Interests: Population health; criminal justice reform; legislation and advocacy

Heidi M Crane

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: HIV/AID; clinical care

Paul K Crane

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests: Psychometrics and measurement theory; Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive functioning

Swee May Cripe

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Health disparities; Health equity; Maternal and child health; Immigrant health; Global health; Intimate partner violence; Mood and anxiety disorder; Environmental health

Julia Crouch

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Transgender health and healthcare access; adolescent health; geder-affirming health systems; qualitative research

Colleen M. Daly

Affiliate Professor

Research Interests: Maternal health, Occupational Health and Safety

Jason Daniel-Ulloa

Associate Teaching Professor

Research Interests: Latinx Health, Social Construction of Gender and the impact on health, Discrimination and other challenges to educational success experienced by students from marginalized communities. Community-Based Participatory Research

Bill Daniell


Research Interests:
Bill’s major active research efforts focus on environmental and occupational health problems in Southeast Asia, particularly Cambodia, including projects related to pesticide exposures and cholinesterase monitoring, arsenic in ground water, and others. Other ongoing or recent research interests include: workplace noise exposure and noise-induced hearing loss; work-related carpal tunnel syndrome, particularly treatment outcomes and disability; and the use of workers’ compensation data for guiding occupational health interventions. Bill enjoys serving as faculty mentor for student-initiated epidemiologic research projects, focusing on environmental or occupational health topics, not necessarily limited to his primary research interest areas. Other past research interests include: solvent and pesticide health effects, neuropsychological sequelae of chemical exposures, and multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome.

Giana Hystad Davidson

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Improving the health of patients receiving specialized post-acute care in skilled nursing facilities following hospitalization

Cheryl E. Davis

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Parenteral micronutrients

Elizabeth E Dawson-Hahn

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Migration Health, Multilingual Children and Families, Mixed-Methods, Qualitative, Community Engagement, Human Centered Design

Alysun Deckert

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Nutrition and transplant; critical care nutrition; wellness/exercise

Donna M. Denno

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Childhood infectious diseases, child and adolescent health in developing countries, health care delivery strategies

Andrew Devendorf

Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar

Christian Diaz

Clinical Instructor

Paula Diehr

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Statistics, insurance, quality of life

Douglas S. Diekema

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Bioethical issues; consent and confidentiality issues in pediatrics; the limits of parental medical decision-making authority for children; ethics and child health policy; ethics in emergency medicine; disaster and pandemic preparedness; coronavirus; Covid-19; emerging diseases; epidemics; ethical issues related to pandemic response and policy; disease outbreaks

Julia Dilley

Affiliate Instructor


Research Interests: Applied public health research on substance-related policies (cannabis, alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs), with a focus on public health surveillance methods and equity-centered approaches.

Christian Dimaano

Clinical Associate Professor


Research Interests: Cancer health disparities, health equity, health education, qualitative methods

Kemi Doll

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: National patterns of gynecologic oncology treatment and survival; disparities in gynecologic cancer care; quality of life and gynecologic surgery

Deborah J Donnell

Affiliate Professor


Anthony Dorsch

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Financial planning & analysis: financial forecasting integrating risk management with return on investment.
Capital management: fair market valuation of strategic capital projects.

William Dowling

Professor Emeritus

Research Interests: The relationships between the changing environment of health care, the strategic and structural responses of health care organizations, their management, and their performance; management practice in health care organizations; physicians in management and leadership roles; the medical home model of primary care; rural health care

Jerome Alexander Dugan

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Health insurance status and the organization of the healthcare system impacts on healthcare cost and quality

Miriana Duran



Research Interests: Qualitative Methods, Social Determinants of Health, Latino health, Nutrition policy

Rags Durvasula

Clinical Associate Professor


Research Interests: Quality improvement; patient safety; operational efficiency

Penelope Anne Edlund

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Population health, healthcare quality; reducing healthcare disparities; Healthy People 2030; emerging technology in healthcare; healthcare delivery trends; measuring and improving healthcare quality, access and affordability; leading practices; global health trends; transformative leadership

Amy Tran Edmonds

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Intersection of health services research and social/psychiatric epidemiology; policy and program evaluation, especially related to efforts to improve access and quality of mental health and substance use services and behavioral health outcomes; assessment of health inequities and social determinants of health; administrative data, nontraditional data sources, cross-sector data integration

Hanna Ekstrom

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: one health; health equity; public health

Thomas Eng

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Health technology; business

Daniel A. Enquobahrie

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Dr. Enquobahrie’s research interests span cardiovascular/metabolic, reproductive/perinatal, and genetic/epigenetic epidemiology. His research focuses on (1) pre-pregnancy and early/mid pregnancy risk factors (and associated mechanisms) for pregnancy complications and outcomes, and (2) early life and developmental origins of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

Nicole A Errett

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Interests: Sustainable Communities, COVID-19, Climate Change, Community-engaged Research, Disaster resilience, Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Heat, Policy, Population Health Initiative, Wildfires

Ruth B. Etzioni

Affiliate Professor


Research Interests: Statistical methods in cancer screening, Bayesian methods in biostatistics, design issues in clinical trials.

Yolanda Evans

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Interests: Health promotion; adolescent health and wellness; expanding health care access through telehealth and videoconferencing

Vincent S. Fan

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Management of chronic disease; lung disease; ICU outcomes; comorbidity; depression; medication adherence; quality of life

Stephanie Farquhar


Research Interests: Environmental justice, policy, affordable housing, mixed methods

Stephan D Fihn


Research Interests: Quality of care particularly in the outpatient setting and in health measurement; clinical topics including heart disease, COPD, UTI, anticoagulation

Brad Finnegan

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Consumer choice; health insurance; value base payment; health system transformation

Molly Firth

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Health policy development and implementation

Paul A Fishman



Research Interests: Cost analysis; risk adjustment

Marie Flake

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Public health practice; infrastructure development; systems planning

David R. Flum

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Surgical epidemiology; outcomes research; population-based data

Mark Forehand

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Marketing public health interventions; consumer social identity; implicit cognition

Gary M Franklin

Adjunct Research Professor


Research Interests: Safe Workplaces, Occupational Health, Occupational Medicine, Opioids, Policy

Bianca K Frogner

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Health economics; health workforce; health insurance; comparative health systems

Anjulie Ganti

Teaching Professor

Research Interests: Race; privilege; cultural humility; gender, sexuality and justice

Victoria Gardner

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Equity in higher education and health professions education; health equity; social justice; social determinants of health; health and educational leadership

Luciano Garofalo

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Dr. Garofalo’s research centers health equity for children and adolescents through the implementation of Whole Person healthcare in the school setting. He is currently co-investigator on a large evaluation study of the King County school-based clinics, identifying potential differences in service utilization by race/ethnicity and school setting.

Michelle Garrison

Affiliate Professor


Research Interests: Child and adolescent sleep problems; interactions between media use, physical activity, and sleep, and the impact on health and behavior; development and testing of health behavior change interventions; pediatric inpatient quality of care and quality improvement research

Kelly C Gilmore

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Contraception, community-engaged research, maternal and child health disparities

Joe Glass

Affiliate Associate Professor


Research Interests: Implementation science; health disparities; substance use disorders and treatments; digital treatment

Steve Gloyd



Research Interests: Health systems research, implementation science, political economy of global health

Tony A Gomez

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Injury prevention; public policy; environmental health

Linn Gould

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Health equity; social determinants of health; environmental justice; health impact assessment

Janessa Graves

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Interests: Occupational health services; rural health; health equity; community-engaged research; administrative and secondary data analysis; injury research; underserved populations

Kristen Gray

Research Associate Professor

Research Interests: Reproductive health across the lifespan; health behaviors and their mechanisms of change; risk factors and outcomes of diabetes; 

Howard P. Greenwald

Clinical Professor


Research Interests: Longevity; social epidemiology; health service delivery and management; international health systems; program evaluation

David E Grembowski

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Design and performance of health care systems; prevention; technology diffusion; program evaluation; survey research

Lindsey Greto

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Community health promotion; marijuana and tobacco policy, laws and regulation

Natalia Theresa B. Groat

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Nutrition support; critical care nutrition; nutrition in traumatic brain injury

David Grossman

Clinical Professor


Research Interests: Injury control; suicide prevention; firearm injury prevention; quality improvement

Christopher Gunderson

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Management of cardiac and pulmonary pathology and associated cardiac risk factors; operations; informatics; Quality Improvement; Payor Reform; social determinants of health

Amy Hagopian

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: International health workforce issues, the effects of war on global health

Kevin A Hallgren

Adjunct Associate Professor


Research Interests: Substance use disorder treatment; technology-supported treatment; longitudinal data analysis; psychometric data analysis

Mary Alice Hanken

Senior Lecturer Emeritus


Research Interests: Health information management; privacy and confidentiality of health information

Peggy Hannon

Professor and Acting/Interim Director


Research Interests: Cancer prevention and control; chronic disease prevention; dissemination and implementation research; health promotion; workplace health promotion

Jeff Harris



Research Interests: Adult immunization; cancer screening; chronic disease; community-based prevention; health equity; health promotion; implementation science; older adults; physical activity; tobacco; workplace health; COVID-19

Keeonna Harris

Postdoctoral Scholar

Karen Hartfield

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Effectiveness of health behavior/health promotion interventions

John Hartgraves

Associate Teaching Professor

Research Interests: Health Informatics, Digital Health, Cybersecurity, Instructional Effectiveness

Samantha A. Hatzenbeler

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Social determinants of health; racial/economic/gender equity; climate justice

Paul L Hebert

Research Professor


Research Interests: Chronic disease with elderly and minority populations; disease management; social determinants of health disparities

Susan C Hedrick

Professor Emeritus

Research Interests: Long-term care

Omeid Heidari

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Susan T. Helbig

Affiliate Instructor


Research Interests: Transition/change management

Christian Helfrich

Research Associate Professor

Research Interests: Dissemination and implementation research; implementation science; organizational change; change management; de-implementation of ineffective and harmful practice

Vida Henderson

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Seth M Hennessey

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Leadership development; performance improvement; business intelligence/analytics

Nora Henrikson

Affiliate Associate Professor

Research Interests: Social and behavioral science; behavioral epidemiology; systematic review and evidence synthesis;survey research; qualitative research; cancer prevention and control; price transparency

Jsani Henry

Affiliate Instructor


Lindsay Ann Herendeen

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Health equity; Health in All Policies; social determinants of health; environmental justice

Theresa Hoeft

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Mixed-methods in health services research, health economics and community-based participatory research; scalable and culturally responsive models of behavioral health care delivery; integrating behavioral health into primary care; clinic-community partnerships to address social determinants of health; lay health providers work in and with health care systems; multi-sector collaborations to improve population health

Katherine D. Hoerster

Adjunct Associate Professor


Research Interests: Veteran health; multilevel determinants of health and health behavior; health promotion and behavioral weight loss interventions; peer support interventions

Peter House

Senior Lecturer Emeritus


Adam S. Hoverman

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Co-production of health and social care, Population health, Social prescribing, Social epidemiology, Narrative medicine, Health system strengthening

Clarissa W. Hsu

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Evaluation research; participatory research and evaluation; midwifery care; end-of-life care; medical anthropology; community-based public health

Christine Hurley

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Community and public health, AIDS/HIV

Rachel Issaka

Adjunct Associate Professor


Research Interests: Optimizing interventions that improve colorectal cancer care outcomes; achieving health equity in colorectal cancer screening and follow-up in underserved popultations

Joyce F. Jackson

Clinical Associate Professor


Research Interests: Management; chronic disease

Jessica Jeavons

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Public health policy, Health equity, public health law, public health ethics, bioethics

Amy Jenkins

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Trauma Informed Leadership, Process Improvement, Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Lauren Jenks

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Public health practice; health science communication

Derek Jennings

Assistant Professor

Nathalia Jimenez

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests: Development and evaluation of culturally and linguistically concordant programs to bridge care between hospitals and community services.

Donna B Johnson

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Pediatric nutrition; efficacy of public health nutrition interventions; public health approaches to obesity

Brian D. Johnston

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Implementation of community-based injury prevention; pediatric care

Salene Jones

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Financial hardship: financial anxiety; psychometrics; clinical outcome assessment

Jessica C Jones-Smith



Research Interests: Social, environmental and economic causes and correlates of obesity risk; distal drivers of nutrition-related health inequities; community and individual economic resources as causal factors in obesity-related health status; obesity-related impacts of health and non-health related policies; disparities in nutrition-related diseases based on socioeconomic factors and race/ethnicity; public health nutrition; obesity epidemic; obesity epidemiology

Jennifer Jones-Vanderleest

Clinical Associate Professor

Research Interests: improving care in jails; health equity; intersectionality of carceral health care, public health and primary care; professional identity development of medical residents; HIV/STI care

Carrie Kaelin

Teaching Professor


Research Interests: Process and quality improvement; accessibility and affordability of health care services; ethics in healthcare

Rhonda Kaetzel

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Toxicology; water protection; air monitoring; environmental human health assessment; dose reconstruction; environmental health services

Hilary Karasz

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Health communication; text-messaging for public health

Bryant Thomas Karras

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: – Informatics methods to improve public health
– PH preparedness, prevention, health promotion, disease surveillance and non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. WA notify)
– Syndromic surveillance for bioterrorism and epidemic detection
– PH linkage to clinical information systems via Health Information Exchange for use in monitoring hospital capacity and chronic disease population analysis
– Using portable computers and the web for health survey data collection and health guideline implementation
– Person empowerment to portably carry their personal and family medical records on smart phones and QR-codes (e.g. WA verify)

Tanya E Karwaki

Assistant Teaching Professor


Research Interests: Dr. Karwaki’s scholarship focuses on the intersection of health law, bioethics, and health policy, and her research examines the impact of law and regulation on health care access and delivery, including emerging trends in health care delivery, health care professionalism, and provider-patient relationships.

Aaron Katz {he, him, his}

Principal Lecturer Emeritus


Research Interests: Health policy; health sector leadership; social/political determinants; health system market change; health care costs and access, health sector education and training

Marie Kava

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Tobacco control; workplace health promotion; implementation science; social determinants of health; health equity

Eli Kern

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Evaluation of impact of Affordable Care Act on population health and health care; community needs assessment; cost outcomes analysis; disparities assessment; data visualization

Larry Kessler



Research Interests: Cost-effectiveness and diagnostic value of medical technology in screening for cancer and other diseases

Jeff Ketchel

Clinical Instructor

H. Nina Kim

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Patient-centered outcomes; viral hepatitis; HIV; quality improvement; data science; electronic health record

Eileen J. Klein

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Sedation and analgesia

Sarah Knerr

Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Cancer prevention and control; translational genomics; stakeholder engagement; health and health care disparities

Cynthia Ko

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Colorectal cancer screening and outcomes

Linda K. Ko

Affiliate Professor


Research Interests: Health communication interventions using new media; decision making in cancer screening; mediators and moderators of behavior change; cancer prevention and control; obesity prevention; health literacy and health disparity; aging and social support

Thomas D Koepsell

Professor Emeritus

Research Interests: Epidemiologic methods, Injury epidemiology, neuroepidemiology, veterans health, application of epidemiology to evaluation of health services

Branko Kopjar

Associate Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Prevention effectiveness; outcomes research; comparative effectiveness; neurosurgery; orthopedics, biostatistics; quality of care; clinical trials

Elizabeth Koselka

Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar

Jim Krieger

Clinical Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Chronic disease prevention; healthy food policy, nutrition science; policy evaluation; asthma

A. Krishnaswamy

Clinical Associate Professor

Research Interests: Health equity; education and health policy; health education

Tao Kwan-Gett

Clinical Professor

Research Interests: Public health practice; communicable disease epidemiology; health informatics

Blishda E. Lacet

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Health equity; healthy eating; active living

Sharon Laing

Adjunct Associate Professor


Research Interests: Chronic disease prevention; technology and health promotion; mobile health promotion; health disparities; cancer prevention; community health and wellness

Karima Lalani

Assistant Teaching Professor


Research Interests: Health informatics; digital health; workforce development; interprofessional education; academic medical centers; leadership; higher education

Caitlin M Lang

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Social Determinants of Health, Public Health Critical Race Praxis, Health in All Policies

Kathryn Langley

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Policy-focused and systems-level evaluation; using evaluative thinking for planning; evaluation capacity building (particularly related to family support and prevention of child maltreatment)

Gwen Lapham

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Implementation and evaluation of behavioral health and substance use care in primary care; identification and treatment of unhealthy substance use disorders; assessment of medical and nonmedical cannabis use; treatment of opiate use disorders; mixed methods; pairing qualitative interviews and surveys with population-based evaluation of electronic health records

Danielle Lavallee

Affiliate Associate Professor

Research Interests: Patient engagement; patient-reported outcomes; patient-centered outcomes

Andrew Lee

Clinical Associate Professor

Research Interests: Talent Management, Public Health, Community Engagement, Social Determinant of Health, Mental Health

Christoph I Lee

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests: Imaging-based breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and surveillance; risk-based cancer screening; technology assessment; radiology health services research; radiology practice management

Sinang Lee

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: environmental health, environmental justice, health impact assessments, health promotion, climate resiliency, built environment, risk communication, program development, program evaluation, community engagement, community-based participatory approaches, unhoused populations, refugee and immigrant health, school health and safety, pesticides safety education

Cynthia LeRouge

Affiliate Professor

Research Interests: Telemedicine; consumer health informatics; public health informatics; health IT project management; HCI in health care

Elle Lett

Clinical Assistant Professor

Meredith A Li-Vollmer

Clinical Assistant Professor


Kendra S Liljenquist

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Child and family health; health equity and health disparities; developmental disabilities; global health

Casey Lion

Adjunct Associate Professor

Chuan-Fen Liu

Research Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Health economics; mental health; risk adjustment; outcomes research.

Bill Lober

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Clinical Informatics, Public Health Informatics, Data Standards

Anna Localio

Postdoctoral Scholar

Kathryn Lofy

Clinical Professor

Research Interests: Applied epidemiology; public health workforce development and leadership; infectious disease epidemiology; surveillance

Cesar Javier Lopez

Clinical Instructor

Erin MacDougall

Affiliate Instructor


Sara Mackenzie

Teaching Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Health promotion; substance abuse

Maya Magarati

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

Robert Malte

Clinical Associate Professor


Research Interests: Executive leadership; community engagement; career development

Michele D. Marchand

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Homelessness; homeless deaths; community organizing; self-management; housing and shelter development; housing and shelter models

Leah Marcotte

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Diane Martin

Professor Emeritus

Linda A Marzano

Clinical Associate Professor


Research Interests: Population health

Christina Mastrangelo

Adjunct Associate Professor


Tessa Matson

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Research Interests: substance use and substance use disorder, addiction health services, implementation science, health equity

Chuck Maynard

Research Professor Emeritus

Research Interests: Cardiovascular disease; administrative databases

Eyob Mazengia

Research Interests: Clean Water, Safe Food, Sustainable Communities, Chemical hazards, Infectious diseases, Policy, Pollution

Mari O Mazon

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Nutrition for children with special health care needs; nutrition and pulmonary diseases; nutrition and sleep

Susan McBride

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Nutrition support for hospitalized patients; food service quality improvement

Jennifer McClure

Affiliate Professor


Research Interests: Health behavior change; smoking cessation; motivational interventions

Rick McPherson

Research Interests: Developing and motivating employees for success, justified decision making, strategic planning and creating inclusive organizations.

Hendrika W Meischke


Research Interests: Health communication; health promotion; theory development

Jason A. Mendoza

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Racial/ethnic minorities/disparities; physical activity promotion (walking/biking to school); screen time (TV) reduction; food insecurity and relationship to outcomes of pediatric chronic disease (HIV and diabetes)

Ashley C Mog

Affiliate Instructor

Research Interests: Qualitative research, health equity, women’s health, LGBTQ health, implementation science

Alexandra Montano

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Health policy; health statistics

Connie S Montgomery

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Mindfullness

Leo Morales

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Minority health and health disparities; obesity and diabetes; psychometric methods

Erin Morgan

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Injury; suicide prevention; mental health; health equity; epidemiology methods

Chris Mornick

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Food Waste, Food Systems, Food Security, Food and Nutrition Policy, Farm to Early Childhood Education, Nutrition Guidelines

Nathan Gibson Morrow

Clinical Associate Professor

Amanda Morse

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: monitoring and prevention of suicidal thoughts and behaviours, substance use, interpersonal violence, and unintentional injuries; community-based participatory research; collaborative creation of interactive data tools with community partners; and public health informatics.

Tracy Mroz

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Interests: Health Policy, Post-Acute Care, Home Health Care, Health Workforce, Rural Health, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Rehabilitation Services, Medicare

Stipica Mudrazija

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Financial gerontology and intergenerational transfers; Healthy aging; Dementia; Disability; Long-term services and supports; Family caregiving; Racial and ethnic health disparities among older adults; Cross-national comparative study of population aging; Health and welfare policies

Sarah Munro

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Contraception and abortion, shared decision making, patient decision aids, access to care, community-based research, health equity, implementation and dissemination, qualitative and mixed methods

Mohit Nair

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Digital health, health equity, health system reform, antibiotic resistance

Paj Nandi

Clinical Instructor

Kari Nelson

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Patient-centered medical home, diabetes self-management, chronic disease management, community health workers

Lonnie Nelson

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Health behaviors and health promotion; chronic disease prevention and management

Bud Nicola

Affiliate Professor


Research Interests: Effective group functioning; public health infrastructure

Brett Niessen

Affiliate Instructor

Research Interests: Comprehensive sex education; bullying prevention; teen access to health care; education of incarcerated youth; HIV/STD/teen pregnancy prevention; healthy relationships; trauma-informed sexual health education; enthusiastic consent; LGBTQ and youth of color inclusion in sex ed; reducing youth health disparities; health education, health literacy, and plain language

Megan Jane E Nordlund

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Nutrition support for burn patients and hospitalized patients; vitamin D; zinc

Sandra Nunn

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Information governance; electronic health records; knowledge management; legal issues in health information management; information security and privacy

Kurt C. O’Brien

Associate Teaching Professor


Research Interests: Adaptive leadership
Group dynamics/group facilitation

Patrick W O’Carroll

Affiliate Professor

Research Interests: Global health; health systems strengthening; public health informatics; epidemiology; emergency preparedness and health security; coronavirus; Covid-19; emerging diseases; epidemics; pandemics; disease outbreaks; neglected tropical diseases; health campaign effectiveness

Barbara Obena

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Health equity; population health; equity centered community design; quality improvement

Mark Oberle

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Epidemiology; Informatics

Vanessa M. Oddo

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Role of employment and working conditions on obesity risk; obesity epidemiology; social determinants of health; chronic disease; the nutrition transition in low- and middle-income countries; public health nutrition

Tokunbo Olukoya

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Healthcare Administration

Christina Ore

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

India J. Ornelas



Research Interests: Racial and ethnic health disparities; social determinants of health; Latino and immigrant populations; American Indian populations; health promotion interventions; community-based participatory research; cancer prevention; mental health; substance use; coronavirus

Shanise Owens

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: child and adolescent mental health, global mental health, digital health, health equity and justice, public health policy and advocacy, evaluation, social and economic determinants of health, mixed methods research

Aley Pallickaparambil

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Data linkage; American Indian and Alaska Native tribal public health; homelessness and health; reproductive health access; maternal and child health; mental health and substance abuse

Myra Parker

Adjunct Associate Professor


Research Interests: Community-based participatory tesearch; cultural adaptation of evidence-based interventions; disparities research; Indigenous research principles; human subjects research ethics; tribal control and access of research data through formalized agreements and other mechanisms that support tribal sovereignty

Canada Parrish

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Using observational and routine health data to improve population health initiatives and
inform health policies and clinical care guidelines

Neha J. Patel

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Quality process management

Donald L Patrick

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Outcomes in health policy and treatment effectiveness; improving end-of-life care; health behavior and health promotion; disability policy; community intervention; resource allocation

Dalin Pel

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Healthcare law; privacy and security; health information management; EMR; EHR; healthcare information technology; privacy law; process improvement; project management

Rob Penfold

Affiliate Professor


Research Interests: Pediatric mental health; Medicaid utilization; comparative effectiveness of psychotropic medications; impact of high-deductible health plan enrollment on utilization; cost benefit of mental health treatments; geographic disparities in access and utilization of mental health services

Daniel Peplow

Clinical Professor


Research Interests: Prof. Peplow has interacted directly with the UN, the Organization of American States, IADB, World Bank, the G20, communities, and other diverse international partners to develop a methodology global health practitioners could use to further address international health crises where international policies contribute to compromised health conditions that pose a regional threat to security. A key question asked in response to his request for a joined-up effort to address specific global health issues has been: “Where are the bodies”. To answer that question, Prof. Peplow is now developing a cloud-based “app” that victims, their families, and communities in the Guiana Shield region can use to self-report health issues traceable to the assimilation process. Comments, questions, and suggestions are currently being solicited from all sectors that will be used to prepare a final design model and make the app an effective tool for addressing non-communicable NTD’s and for increasing stability in the region.

Edward B Perrin

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Outcomes research, Health promotion, Program evaluation

Kathleen Peterson

Senior Lecturer Emeritus


Research Interests: Clinical Terminologies, Revenue Cycle Management, Health Information Systems, Healthcare Privacy and Security

James Pfeiffer

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests: Medical anthropology; International health; HIV/AIDS prevention

Elizabeth A. Phelan

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Delivering effective primary care to older adults; health promotion

Hunter J Plumer

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Health Planning | Statistical Analysis for Health Law Cases | Certificate of Need

Gerry Pollet

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Gerry has over 30 years of experience working on risk assessment and standards for environmental contamination, including exposure scenarios and public input. He has worked extensively with Tribes to incorporate Native American and Tribal exposure scenarios in cleanup and hazardous waste related decisions. He has served on numerous agency advisory boards relating to hazardous substance cleanup. Gerry has lectured and presented in numerous forums on risk assessment and public input to exposure scenarios in hazardous waste site cleanup planning; and is frequently cited in national and regional news media. Gerry continues to work with students interested in research and evidence-based policies on e-cigarettes / vaping, preventing lead exposure, funding foundational public health and other public health topics.

Sarah Ward Prager

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Women’s health

Debra Primeau

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Data and Information Management and Governance, Ethics in healthcare information, Ethics in healthcare artificial intelligence

Hallie Pritchett

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Comparative Health Systems, Systems Change, Population Health, Health Equity

Marc E Provence

Clinical Associate Professor


Research Interests: Health policy, health systems, access to care, public programs.

Rachel Prusynski

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Medicare policy, Quality of Care, Post-Acute Care, Healthcare Workforce, Post-Acute Rehabilitation, Home Health Care, Skilled Nursing Facilities

Bruce M Psaty

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Cardiovascular epidemiology; myocardial infarction and stroke; Venous thrombosis; atrial fibrillation; risk factors, including hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes; pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety; genetics, genomics and pharmacogenetics; epidemiological methods

James D. Ralston

Affiliate Professor


Research Interests: Electronic tools to improve health

Megha Ramaswamy

Professor and Chair

Maggie Ramirez

Endowed Professorship and Associate Director and Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Technology-enabled interventions to reduce disparities in health status and health care delivery

Ian A. Randall

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Delivery system innovations; value-based payment; total cost of care; social determinants of health

Eric Rasmussen, MD, MDM, FACP

Affiliate Associate Professor

Research Interests: Clinical and public health informatics; disaster medicine; outbreak detection and disease surveillance; “immune system for the planet” out of the Stimson Center in DC; neutrophilic granulocyte biomimicry; nano electro-chemistry; water purification; desalination; climate adaptation strategies on remote Pacific atolls, in Sub-Antarctic Chile, and within the Science and Technology Trust in San Juan, Puerto Rico (US Office of Naval Research); Indigenous Mayan health issues in the Yucatan Biosphere Reserve; water purification in zones of active conflict (Ukraine).

Gayle Reiber

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Diabetes mellitus; diabetic foot; foot ulcer; amputation; foot care; footwear; epidemiology; health services research

Jim Reid

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Negotiation and mediation; leadership; organizational development

Arjee Restar

Assistant Professor

David Reyes

Adjunct Associate Professor


Research Interests: Social determinants of health; root causes of inequity and health disparities; building community capacity for problem solving and population health systems improvement; community-based participatory approaches; underserved and underrepresented populations

Julie Richards

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Suicide prevention; firearm injury prevention; mental health and substance use; integrated mental health in primary care

Laura P. Richardson

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Adolescent health; depression; anxiety; suicidal behavior; transition to adulthood; health services delivery in primary care

Mary Richardson

Professor Emeritus

Research Interests:
management, quality improvement, disability, chronic conditions

Juanita Ricks

Affiliate Instructor

Dori E Rosenberg

Affiliate Associate Professor


Research Interests: Health promotion among older adults; physical activity and sedentary behavior intervention and measurement; built environment relationships with health behaviors and health outcomes; improving health behaviors among people with chronic conditions and mobility disability

Sarah A Ross-Viles

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Health equity; tobacco prevention and control; health behavior and health promotion

Sierra Rotakhina

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Health equity; bias and disparities in the justice and carceral systems; social and structural determinants of health; standardization of statewide collection of disaggregated data across sectors

Richard Rubin

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Health information exchange; administrative simplification; health policy and strategy

Sean Rundell

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Interests: Musculoskeletal pain conditions and chronic pain; low back pain and chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions in older adults

Amber K Sabbatini

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Interests: Evaluation of physician resource utilization, appropriateness of hospital admissions, and the quality and cost of emergency care; using administrative data in evaluation processes

Deepak Sadagopan

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Health economics; high-performance networks; risk contracting and performance; accountable care organizations; health equity; healthcare data science and engineering; consumer/patient experience; clinical quality outcomes; quality of life; data interoperability; causal analytics; cross-enterprise healthcare delivery

Nicole Sadow-Hasenberg



Research Interests: Public health communications; health promotion/chronic illness prevention; health equity; child welfare and well-being; diversity, equity, and inclusion

Brian E Saelens

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Adolescent heath; obesity

Sallie Thieme Sanford

Adjunct Associate Professor


Research Interests: Professor Sanford’s research interests focus on Affordable Care Act implementation, healthcare delivery systems, health administration law, Medicare and Medicaid, comparative healthcare law, public health law, and medical and administrative ethics.

Maureen Sarewitz

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Leadership; business management; innovation; sustainability; global health and technology

Stephanie J Schulz

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: organizational leadership, team development, talent management, social justice, equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging, diabetes treatment and management

Jeff Sconyers

Teaching Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Emergency preparedness and response; institutional conflicts of interest

Cheryl M. Scott

Clinical Professor


Research Interests: Leadership effectiveness in complex health organizations

Jeanne M Sears

Research Professor – Retired


Research Interests: Safe Workplaces, Sustainable Communities, Health Equity, Occupational Health

Neil Jay Sehgal

Endowed Professorship and Associate Professor

Research Interests: COVID-19, health disparities, the healthcare workforce, health care outcomes, the delivery system, and health information technology.

Rajiv Sethi

Clinical Professor


Research Interests: Spine outcomes research; cost-efficacy analysis; international spine care

Parth Shah

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Dissemination and implementation science; cancer prevention and control; HPV vaccine delivery; vaccine communication; colorectal cancer screening; behavioral science and intervention research

Umair Shah

Clinical Professor

Mia Shim

Clinical Associate Professor

Genya N Shimkin

Adjunct Assistant Teaching Professor


Research Interests: LGBTQ health; adolescent health; healthcare access; harm reduction; health justice; anti-oppression approaches to health promotion

David Shoultz


Research Interests: I am interested in global health product discovery, development, and delivery. I am also interested in innovative finance for global health product development. I am eager to collaborate with other faculty members and am available to work with master’s and doctoral students who share my interests and commitment to global health product development.

Manahil Siddiqi

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Global women, adolescent, and child health and rights; population and reproductive health; war, conflict and health

Judy Simon

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Women’s health; eating disorders; fertility

vivienne souter

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Quality improvement in health care, obstetrics, women’s health, genetics, prenatal diagnosis and ultrasound

Jennifer Spencer

Clinical Instructor

Michael Spencer

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Health and wellness among Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders; health promotion through indigenous practices and values

Carolin Spice

Associate Teaching Professor


Research Interests: Electronic health records, social determinants of health, learning health systems, healthcare quality and analytics

Clarence Spigner



Research Interests: Tobacco-related behavior; racism as a stressor; social construction of ‘race’ vis-a-vis biological reductionism in health research and behavior; knowledge and opinions about organ donation among ethnic groups; program evaluation; popular culture

Leanna Standish

Affiliate Professor


Michael Stanfill

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Health needs for inmates; efficacy review of interventions across time; psychiatric illness; substance abuse; recidivism and health-related variables related to incarceration; barriers to clinical care; psychological assessment and risk assessment; application of epidemiology and biostatistics to criminal justice arenas; veterans and active duty military psychiatric issues

Marc F Stern

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Correctional health care

Dennis Stillman

Associate Teaching Professor


Research Interests: Health care financing; project management

Kenneth Stuart

Research Interests: Molecular biology of protozoan pathogens

Jennifer Stuber

Adjunct Associate Professor


Research Interests: Behavioral health policy and systems change in crisis systems, healthcare and schools; suicide prevention with a particular focus on youth

Sean D Sullivan



Research Interests: Technology assessment; medical decision making; economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals, particularly in the areas of respiratory disorders, organ transplantation, HIV/AIDS, mental health and clinical decision making

Akhenaten Tankwanchi

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Vaccine hesitancy; migration and health; health disparities; health workforce

Vicky M Taylor

Research Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Special populations; health disparities; cancer control; secondary prevention

Luzmarina Tejada

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: The outcomes of wrap around services for vulnerable populations and the incorporation of advance care planning in the management of chronic illness.

David B Thomas


Research Interests: Breast and gynecologic cancer, epidemiology and prevention

Colleen Ellen Thomasgard

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Design, delivery and evaluation of preventive interventions with young children and families; social bases of language; cognitive and emotional development in normal and at-risk children; language and literacy development; parents’ health literacy

Beti Thompson

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Community-based research; dietary change; cancer prevention; health disparities

Jack Thompson

Principal Lecturer Emeritus


Research Interests: Public health organization and financing; workforce development; integration of health and health care services

John F Tiscornia

Clinical Professor


Logan Trenaman

Endowed Professorship and Assistant Professor

Research Interests: patient-oriented research; patient preferences; shared decision-making; value-based payment; patient-reported outcomes

Vivien D. Tsu


Research Interests: Obstetric complications, newborn health, immunization, cervical and breast cancer

Judith I Tsui

Adjunct Professor


Anne M Turner



Research Interests: Public health workforce information workflow; public health digital libraries; natural language processing to access to public health gray literature

Nicholas Turse

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: US military activity in Africa; effects of war on public health; history and legacy of the Vietnam War; investigative journalism and crisis reporting

Gaurai Uddanwadiker

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Healthcare Operations and Strategy, Leadership Development

Joseph Michael Unger

Affiliate Associate Professor


Research Interests: Cancer care delivery research; clinical trials; income disparities; clinical trial impact and generalizability; diffusion of new treatments

Jurgen Unutzer

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Improving the care of adults with common mental disorders such as depression and comorbid medical disorders

Nicole Urban

Research Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Breast/ovarian cancer screening; cost-effectiveness analysis

Matias Valenzuela

Affiliate Assistant Professor


Richard Van De Plasch

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Telehealth:  efficacy and efficiency; clinical and health informatics: efforts and outcomes in right-sizing budgets in a capitated health care system

Jenna van Draanen

Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Social determinants of mental health; substance use disorders; community-based research; inclusion of people with lived experience; design and evaluation of programs and policies; early poverty and childhood adversity

Monica S. Vavilala

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Guideline adherence; injury care and outcomes; traumatic brain injury

Sarah Veele

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: Applied and translational research; populations furthest from opportunity; child welfare and juvenile justice reform; gender equity; university and government collaboration

Edward H Wagner

Professor Emeritus


Research Interests: Health services research; Health promotion and disease prevention

Edward A Walker

Professor Emeritus

Research Interests: Integration of mental health into primary and specialty care medical settings

Alix Warren

Clinical Instructor

Research Interests: Health equity; access to healthcare; sexual health; health education; qualitative research and evaluation

Tyler Watson

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: foundations of public health, environmental health, climate change and health, food systems, food security, nutrition, adolescent health, behavioral health, mental health, substance use

Marcia Weaver

Adjunct Research Professor


Research Interests: Cost analysis; HIV/AIDS programs

Bryan Weiner



Research Interests: Adoption, implementation, sustainment of innovations and evidence-based practices; management, operation, and sustainability of inter-organizational relationships; total quality management; patient safety

Ginny Weir

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Delivery system redesign; health policy; care pathways

William E. Welton

Principal Lecturer Emeritus

Research Interests: Organization of health care markets and relationship to overall per capita costs

Karen J. Wernli

Affiliate Professor


Research Interests: Comparative effectiveness research; cancer screening and diagnostic, preventive services, methodology

Edward West

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Health disparities in minority communities

Kate West

Assistant Teaching Professor

Research Interests: Qualitative research methods; community-based participatory research; researcher trustworthiness; bioethics; ethical-legal-social implications of genetics and implementation of new technologies; anti-racist pedagogy

Ken White

Clinical Assistant Professor


Research Interests: International health status assessment; patient satisfaction

Emily Williams



Research Interests: Addictions, Social and Structural Determinants of Health and Health Care, HIV, PrEP, Implementation Science, Learning Health Systems, Evidence-based care for substance use and substance use disorders, Critical Race Theory, Mixed Methods

Katie Wilson

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Public transit; housing policy; tax policy; income inequality; urban issues

Edwin S. Wong

Research Associate Professor and Associate Director


Research Interests: Health economics; applied microeconometrics; health care quality; health policy analysis; health care systems; health care delivery; primary care; implementation science; Veterans health care; Medicare; Medicaid; comparative effectiveness research; cost-effectiveness analysis

Rachel Wortman Morris

Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Process improvement; quality; culture

Mei Po Yip

Clinical Instructor


Research Interests: Health education; minority health; health literacy; preventive care

Rabi Yunusa

Assistant Teaching Professor


Sahar Zangeneh

Research Interests: Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys
Statistical Analysis with Missing Data
Health Equity

Steven Zeliadt

Research Professor


Research Interests: Decision-making and quality of life in prostate cancer treatment; cancer screening; costs of health care interventions; evaluation of informed decision making strategies; comparative effectiveness using large databases; quality of life assessment among cancer survivors; decision modeling; assessment of health care costs

Chuan Zhou

Adjunct Research Professor


Research Interests: Health services research; causal inference; missing data; Bayesian inference

Brenda Zierler

Adjunct Professor


Research Interests: Team science, collaborative practice, leadership, and cardiovascular disease (specifically deep vein thrombosis)