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Jason Daniel-Ulloa photo

Jason Daniel-Ulloa

Associate Teaching Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Associate Teaching Professor, Global Health


Office 771A

Research Interests

Latinx Health, Social Construction of Gender and the impact on health, Discrimination and other challenges to educational success experienced by students from marginalized communities. Community-Based Participatory Research


I work blend my training in Community-Based Participatory Research with decolonized teaching frameworks to train the public health workforce to be self-reflective and flexible in the face of a rapidly changing world. I co-create teaching opportunities for students to reflect on their own positionality and power across situations and contexts, to learn to be critical of ahistorical solutions to systemic problems and inequities and to believe in and recognize the power in the communities in which they want to serve.



PhD Public Health, Joint Doctoral Program (SDSU and UCSD), 2011
MPH San Diego State University, 2006
BA Psychology, San Diego State University, 2003