Dennis Stillman

Stillman looks back on more than 50 years of the UW MHA

Equity, diversity, and inclusion have become central to the work of health administration, and they are among the most pressing issues in our field today.

  • Two older gentlemen at a table eating fresh salads

    How one MHA graduate became a serial entrepreneur and “dot connector”

    Rick Lee, an MHA alum, reflects on his surprising journey to becoming a healthcare entrepreneur. His latest venture, Healthrageous, is an innovative meal-plan solution for seniors.

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  • Teen Girl having chiropractic back adjustment

    London Breedlove receives David A. Winston fellowship

    Breedlove, Executive MHA student and associate clinical professor in the Family Medicine Department, reflects on the benefits of holistic care that treats mind and body in tandem.

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  • Tony Gomez

    Tony Gomez receives lifetime achievement award for violence injury and prevention

    Tony Gomez received the Alex Kelter Vision Lifetime Achievement Award from the Safe States Alliance.

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HSEED Award and Student Funding

The Health Systems Excellence, Equity, and Distinction (HSEED) Award honors students and helps increase diversity in the field of public health. The HSEED Award is presented annually to students in our degree programs.