Research Interests
Health econometrics; cost-effectiveness; comparative effectiveness and value of information analyses; quality of life; spill-over effects; substantive focus on cancer, mental health and diabetes
Anirban Basu’s work sits at the intersection of microeconomics, statistics, and health policy. His research focuses on comparative and cost effectiveness analyses, causal inference methods, program evaluation, and outcomes research.
Currently the Stergachis Family Endowed Professor and Director of the Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research and Policy Program at the University of Washington, Basu also serves as faculty member in the Department of Health Services and as an adjunct in the Department of Economics. Previously, Basu taught on the faculty of the University of Chicago Department of Medicine, where he remains an external affiliate of the Center for Health and the Social Sciences.
In addition to his position as a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research, Basu is as an associate editor for Health Economics, Journal of Health Economics, and Observational Studies, and has served as panelist or speaker at many economics and health studies conferences, nationally and abroad.
PhD Health Economics, Public Policy, University of Chicago, 2004
MS Biostatistics, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 1999
MS Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toledo, 1997
BS Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jadavpur University, 1995
Academic Programs and Affiliations
Recent Publications (PubMed)
Comparative effectiveness of gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy on predicted 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease 5 years after surgery.
Basu A, Barton LJ, Fischer H, Reynolds K, Arterburn DE, Barthold D, Courcoulas A, Crawford CL, Fedorka PN, Kim BB, Mun EC, Murali SB, Zane RE, Coleman KJ. Comparative effectiveness of gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy on predicted 10-year risk of card
Impact of a statewide Emergency Department Information Exchange on health care use and expenditures.
Sabbatini AK, McConnell KJ, Parrish C, Frogner BK, Reddy A, Zatzick DF, Kreuter W, Basu A. Impact of a statewide Emergency Department Information Exchange on health care use and expenditures. Health Serv Res. 2022 Jun;57(3):603-613. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773
Lifetime medical costs attributable to sickle cell disease among nonelderly individuals with commercial insurance.
Johnson KM, Jiao B, Ramsey SD, Bender MA, Devine B, Basu A. Lifetime medical costs attributable to sickle cell disease among nonelderly individuals with commercial insurance. Blood Adv. 2022 May 16. pii: bloodadvances.2021006281. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvance
Cost-Effectiveness of Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment: What Are We Missing?
Chhatwal J, Basu A. Cost-Effectiveness of Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment: What Are We Missing? Value Health. 2022 May;25(5):697-698. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2022.02.002. Epub 2022 Mar 19.
Development of a conceptual model for evaluating new non-curative and curative therapies for sickle cell disease.
Johnson KM, Jiao B, Bender MA, Ramsey SD, Devine B, Basu A. Development of a conceptual model for evaluating new non-curative and curative therapies for sickle cell disease. PLoS One. 2022 Apr 28;17(4):e0267448. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0267448. eCollect
Medical and Non-medical Costs of Sickle Cell Disease and Treatments from a US Perspective: A Systematic Review and Landscape Analysis.
Baldwin Z, Jiao B, Basu A, Roth J, Bender MA, Elsisi Z, Johnson KM, Cousin E, Ramsey SD, Devine B. Medical and Non-medical Costs of Sickle Cell Disease and Treatments from a US Perspective: A Systematic Review and Landscape Analysis. Pharmacoecon Open. 20
A landscape analysis and discussion of value of gene therapies for sickle cell disease.
Quach D, Jiao B, Basu A, Bender MA, Hankins J, Ramsey S, Devine B. A landscape analysis and discussion of value of gene therapies for sickle cell disease. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. 2022 Apr 18:1-21. doi: 10.1080/14737167.2022.2060823. [Epub ah
Public spending on acute and long-term care for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Coe NB, White L, Oney M, Basu A, Larson EB. Public spending on acute and long-term care for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 Mar 16. doi: 10.1002/alz.12657. [Epub ahead of print]
Health State Utilities for Sickle Cell Disease: A Catalog Prepared From a Systematic Review.
Jiao B, Basu A, Ramsey S, Roth J, Bender MA, Quach D, Devine B. Health State Utilities for Sickle Cell Disease: A Catalog Prepared From a Systematic Review. Value Health. 2022 Feb;25(2):276-287. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2021.08.002. Epub 2021 Sep 4.
Correction to: A sub-group evaluation of the multi-month dispensing strategy for differentiated HIV care: is personalization of care guidelines warranted in Haiti?
Parrish C, Basu A, Fishman P, Koama JB, Robin E, Francois K, Honoré JG, Van Onacker JD, Puttkammer N. Correction to: A sub-group evaluation of the multi-month dispensing strategy for differentiated HIV care: is personalization of care guidelines warranted
More Publications
Gene therapy for sickle cell likely cost-effective at <$2M
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Analysis: Including race in clinical algorithms can both reduce and increase health inequities — it depends on what doctors use them for
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KUOW, 07/15/2020
The Health 202: Why determining the coronavirus death rate is so tricky
The Washington Post, 07/10/2020
Scientists predicted that the coronavirus death rate would fall over time, but instead it doubled. Here’s why it now hovers at 6%
Business Insider, 06/10/2020
8 countries have coronavirus death rates above 10%, either due to disaster or limited testing
Business Insider, 05/23/2020
UW study shows staggering numbers of US COVID-19 infection, fatality rates
KING 5, 05/23/2020
Coronavirus on track to kill 1.3 per cent of infected in US, ‘conservative’ study finds
South China Morning Post, 05/12/2020
Rural hospital closings cause mortality rates to rise, study finds
NBC News, 09/06/2019