Category: Team Updates
Sarah Munro receives grant to research rural medication abortion care
Dr. Sarah Munro’s research team is looking to create evidence-based guidelines to support abortion care for people living in remote areas.
Lalani Appointed to HIMSS Social Determinants of Health Committee
Karima Lalani has been appointed to the Social Determinants of Health Committee by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS).
Compassion, efficiency and ‘just going for it’ – Ramaswamy to assume chair
The breadth of programs and faculty within the HSPop department “is a dream situation, to have so many diverse voices coming from various disciplinary backgrounds and in some cases working at the cutting edge of public health and social issues. That’s an opportunity to train interesting people, but also to train people who are going…
Neil Sehgal to lead health administration programs
“Careers in health administration bring with them a tremendous responsibility — shaping the experience of those receiving care, obviously, but also those providing it,” Neil says of his priorities in leading the program.
Hannon recognized as top influential woman scholar by American Journal of Health Promotion
HSPop faculty member Peggy Hannon has been recognized by the “American Journal of Health Promotion” as one of the most accomplished and influential women researchers and educators in the public health education and health promotion field.
Research project aims to improve care after cancer genetic testing
Sarah Knerr received a 5-year, $4.6M award from the National Institutes of Health to investigate methods to improve adherence to risk management after cancer genetic testing.
HSPop faculty, staff, students receive SPH Awards of Excellence
The UW School of Public Health recognized dozens of students, staff, and faculty at its annual Excellence Awards celebration, including six individuals from our department. The Excellence Awards celebrate members of the school’s community for their dedication, service, and many contributions to public health.
Faculty member Stephen Bezruchka publishes book about how inequality in the U.S. leads to poor health
Associate teaching professor emeritus examines the contradiction of U.S. spending on health care vs life expectancy in his new book, “Inequality Kills Us All: COVID-19’s Health Lessons for the World.”
SPH releases statement on impacts of anti-Blackness as Black History Month begins
UW School of Public Health Dean Hilary Godwin and Wendy E. Barrington, the director of the UW Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH), released a statement to the school’s community. HSPop is a department within SPH.
Meet staff member Wade Angeli
Wade is the marketing and student recruitment specialist for the UW Online Master of Public Health (MPH) program within our department. Hear a little more about Wade in his own words.