Tag: HSPop
Sharing public health knowledge through short documentary filmmaking
Dr. Megha Ramaswamy (PhD, MPH) disseminates insights from her public health research via her (S)HE video series, which stands for Sexual Health Empowerment, and shares stories from women with experiences of incarceration.
Ria Francisco receives Anderson-O’Connell Award for Outstanding Staff Service & Outstanding Staff Award
Ria Francisco, the Senior Grants Administrator for HSPoP, plays a vital role in securing millions of dollars in research grants to faculty each year. Recently, Francisco was honored with two awards for staff excellence, the Andersen-O’Connell Award for Outstanding Staff Service and the Outstanding Staff Award.
Stipica Mudrazija illuminates the relationship between health and a strong social safety net
“Health is not the be-all and end-all, but you cannot do anything without having health…[I’m] interested in studying the well-being of older adults in concentric circles.”
Compassion, efficiency and ‘just going for it’ – Ramaswamy to assume chair
The breadth of programs and faculty within the HSPop department “is a dream situation, to have so many diverse voices coming from various disciplinary backgrounds and in some cases working at the cutting edge of public health and social issues. That’s an opportunity to train interesting people, but also to train people who are going…
BACK TO SCHOOL: Maximizing school safety amidst growing vaccine hesitancy
Recent reports highlight a growing trend of vaccine hesitancy among parents of school-age children, with between 20% to 25% expressing worries about routine and recommended vaccines.