Category: Research
Faculty member Linda Ko is combatting obesity by inspiring healthy lifestyle habits in rural school systems
There are both regional and ethnic disparities in childhood obesity. While Linda Ko’s research team set out to understand why childhood obesity in rural Latino communities is so prevalent, they also partnered with the Yakima community find strategies to prevent it.
Online MPH alum Michael Tynan publishes thesis for CDC
Michael measured air quality at casinos in 2022 during a tobacco study. “It gives us that comparison point that can help casino employees, for example, understand what kind of exposure levels they’re looking at compared to a smoke-free environment.” he said.
New grant to boost cancer screening among limited English-proficient populations
Linda Ko, a cancer prevention and control investigator at UW HPRC, has received a $250,000 grant to increase cancer screening among limited English-proficient populations by building the capacity of community health workers to select, adapt, and implement evidence-based interventions for cancer prevention and control.
Faculty member Stephen Bezruchka publishes book about how inequality in the U.S. leads to poor health
Associate teaching professor emeritus examines the contradiction of U.S. spending on health care vs life expectancy in his new book, “Inequality Kills Us All: COVID-19’s Health Lessons for the World.”
SPH releases statement on impacts of anti-Blackness as Black History Month begins
UW School of Public Health Dean Hilary Godwin and Wendy E. Barrington, the director of the UW Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH), released a statement to the school’s community. HSPop is a department within SPH.
Sweetened beverage taxes produce net economic benefits for lower-income communities
New research from faculty within HSPop examines the economic equity impacts of sweetened beverage taxes in three cities — Seattle, San Francisco and Philadelphia.
HSPop PhD student honored for academic excellence
Tessa Matson received the 2022 Gilbert S. Omenn Award for Academic Excellence, the most prestigious recognition from the UW School of Public Health for graduate students.
National Public Health Week: Community collaboration
Fitting with today’s National Public Health Week (#NPHW) theme, “Community Collaboration and Resilience,” we are sharing how the UW Health Promotion Research Center (HPRC) partnered with community organizations to create a COVID-19 Information Navigator Training to support bilingual community members.
New anti-racism research center
There is a new research center in the department — the Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH), which will serve as a community-driven academic hub focused on the critical interrogation and disruption of racism and racialization within systems.
Evaluating a free meal program for U.S. schools
Jessica Jones-Smith and her team are hoping to better understand the effects of a free meals policy on child obesity, as well as estimate the policy’s effect on population-level obesity disparities by race, ethnicity, and income.