Category: Awards
Hughes named 2024 MAC Outstanding Faculty Award for Student Success
Health Services PhD alum, M. Courtney Hughes, received the award for her work as a full-time faculty member at Northern Illinois University. She said the award motivates her to “redouble my efforts to foster an environment where students can thrive.”
MHA alum Joe Smecker receives 40 Under 40 award
Western Washington Medical Group COO and MHA alum Joe Smecker, who was recently recognized by The Puget Sound Business Journal as a 40 Under 40 executive, discusses the myriad challenges facing the health care industry.
Improving health care equity through informatics
Master of Health Informatics and Health Information Management (MHIHIM) alum Amelia Allee breaks down her Capstone project, which leverages socioeconomic data to improve health outcomes for Medicaid patients.
Miriana Duran receives Magnuson Scholarship to examine impact of FreshBucks program
Miriana Duran, PhD student and research scientist with the University of Washington’s Health Promotion Research Center (HPRC), focuses on reducing disparities faced by Latinx communities in Washington. For her PhD, she’s examining the mental health impacts of Seattle’s FreshBucks program.
Creating more equitable health care for sexual assault survivors
Mayra Muratalla Muñoz of the Online Master of Public Health program advocates for sexual assault survivors, inside and outside of the classroom. Her practicum focuses on improving the forensic exam for disabled survivors.
Ria Francisco receives Anderson-O’Connell Award for Outstanding Staff Service & Outstanding Staff Award
Ria Francisco, the Senior Grants Administrator for HSPoP, plays a vital role in securing millions of dollars in research grants to faculty each year. Recently, Francisco was honored with two awards for staff excellence, the Andersen-O’Connell Award for Outstanding Staff Service and the Outstanding Staff Award.
Amanda Hoang receives two scholarships from the Washington State Health Information Management Association
Amanda Hoang of the Health Informatics and Health Information Management (HIHIM) program recently received two prestigious scholarships from the Washington State Health Information Management Association (WSHIMA): the Sister Peter Olivaint Scholarship and the Foundation Scholarship. We caught up with Amanda to discuss her experience in the program.
Localio aims to impact vulnerable populations through research-based public health policy
Anna Localio, PhD candidate in Health Services, has earned the Outstanding PhD Student Award for her research, including a study on the impact of federal free school meals on children’s health. Her work, supervised by Dr. Jessica Jones-Smith, explores quantitative research in nutrition policy. Localio’s past includes significant community service, emphasizing public health benefits access.
Advancing women’s health: Executive MHA student Frankie Shelton receives Fulbright UCL Entrepreneurship Award
Frankie Shelton, a second-year student in the Executive Master of Health Administration (EMHA) program, was recently awarded a Fulbright University College London Entrepreneurship Award to continue her passion of gender equity and advancing women’s health.
Bridging the divide between health care and technology
Aditi Ekbote is dedicated to leveraging technology to make health care equitable, efficient, and of the highest quality. “A lot of times, the people who are trying to solve the issue of data breaches within health care are coming at it with a very technical approach, when the reality is that [often] breaches happen when…