Mixed-methods development of a new patient-reported outcome instrument for chronic low back pain: part 1-the Patient Assessment for Low Back Pain – Symptoms (PAL-S).

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  2. Mixed-methods development of a new patient-reported outcome instrument for chronic low back pain: part 1-the Patient Assessment for Low Back Pain – Symptoms (PAL-S).

  3. Mixed-methods development of a new patient-reported outcome instrument for chronic low back pain: part 1-the Patient Assessment for Low Back Pain – Symptoms (PAL-S).

Martin ML, Blum SI, Liedgens H, Bushnell DM, McCarrier KP, Hatley NV, Ramasamy A, Freynhagen R, Wallace M, Argoff C, Eerdekens M, Kok M, Patrick DL. Mixed-methods development of a new patient-reported outcome instrument for chronic low back pain: part 1-t

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