Clinical-community linkages as a strategy for increasing evidence-based program reach: Results of the PT-REFER randomized controlled trial with older adults and YMCA associations.

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  2. Clinical-community linkages as a strategy for increasing evidence-based program reach: Results of the PT-REFER randomized controlled trial with older adults and YMCA associations.

  3. Clinical-community linkages as a strategy for increasing evidence-based program reach: Results of the PT-REFER randomized controlled trial with older adults and YMCA associations.

Petrescu-Prahova M, Harris JR, Leroux B, Kohn M, Kava CM, Zeliadt SB, Steinman L, Fishleder S, Basia Belza, Gakhar M, Hannon PA. Clinical-community linkages as a strategy for increasing evidence-based program reach: Results of the PT-REFER randomized cont

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