Category: Alumni
COPHP MPH alum Alejandro Varela to receive the Alumni of Impact Award
Alum Alejandro Varela is this year’s recipient of the UW School of Public Health Alumni of Impact Award. The award is for those who have outstanding achievements in public health and made significant contributions to their communities.
Online MPH alum Michael Tynan publishes thesis for CDC
Michael measured air quality at casinos in 2022 during a tobacco study. “It gives us that comparison point that can help casino employees, for example, understand what kind of exposure levels they’re looking at compared to a smoke-free environment.” he said.
New name better reflects our outstanding department
We are now the Department of Health Systems and Population Health (HSPop). The new name for the department was selected using a collaborative, inclusive process that involved department faculty, staff, and students.
Alum helps Washington prioritize COVID-19 resource allocation
HSPop alumn Douglas Diekema played a unique role in helping to develop Washington state’s approach to allocating precious resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Alum Robert Byron co-authors report on health effects of climate change in Montana
“While vulnerable people and populations are at higher risk for negative impacts, unabated climate change will be an equal opportunity disaster for everyone,” Robert Byron said. This consensus is at the core of Byron and his co-authors’ new report.
Alum Rachel Ginocchio teaches inclusive human reproduction
Rachel Ginocchio, a Health Services Master of Public Health (MPH) alum, is helping youth educators provide inclusive sexual education about all the ways that humans reproduce and create family.
Alum M. Courtney Hughes addresses racial disparities in hospice care use
White patients with terminal illness utilize hospice services about 30% more than their counterparts of color. This inequity is concerning, because hospice care has been shown to improve the patient’s quality of life and the experience for family members.
Faculty member Amy Hagopian amplifies police violence as threat to public health
This project is a natural extension of Hagopian’s broader work, which focuses on social justice problems that undermine public health, such as war, homelessness, income inequality, racism, and incarceration. Hagopian is also an HSPop alum.
Alum Marjorie Wilson promotes harm reduction for injection drug use
Wilson is the co-founder and executive director of the Idaho Harm Reduction Project, a non-profit dedicated to using advocacy, harm reduction, and evidence-based programming to promote health and safety for all Idaho residents impacted by drug use.
Alum Donn Colby receives funding to study COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among military personnel
Donn Colby secured a $400,000 U.S. Defense Health Agency Grant to fund a study on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among military personnel and dependents at Joint Base Lewis McChord, southwest of Tacoma, Washington.