Author: HSPop
New anti-racism research center
There is a new research center in the department — the Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH), which will serve as a community-driven academic hub focused on the critical interrogation and disruption of racism and racialization within systems.
New HSPop faculty, Michelle Johnson-Jennings and Derek Jennings
We are excited to introduce two new faculty members — Michelle Johnson-Jennings and Derek Jennings. They came to UW this summer from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, in the Saskatchewan province of Canada.
Evaluating a free meal program for U.S. schools
Jessica Jones-Smith and her team are hoping to better understand the effects of a free meals policy on child obesity, as well as estimate the policy’s effect on population-level obesity disparities by race, ethnicity, and income.
Faculty member Kemi Doll examines endometrial cancer screening disparities
Dr. Kemi Doll, an adjunct associate professor in the department, is a the lead author on a publication about how signs of endometrial cancer in Black women are frequently missed by transvaginal ultrasounds, a current non-invasive screening tool.
New name better reflects our outstanding department
We are now the Department of Health Systems and Population Health (HSPop). The new name for the department was selected using a collaborative, inclusive process that involved department faculty, staff, and students.
Faculty member Christoph Lee receives top yale med alumni award
Congratulations to adjunct professor Christoph Lee, who was just awarded the 2020 Yale School of Medicine Distinguished Alumni Service Award, Yale Med’s highest alumni honor.
Alum helps Washington prioritize COVID-19 resource allocation
HSPop alumn Douglas Diekema played a unique role in helping to develop Washington state’s approach to allocating precious resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Student Molly Codding assesses lead levels in Washington school drinking water
Molly Codding, a Community-Oriented Public Health Practice Master of Public Health (COPHP MPH) student, is assessing the lead levels and disparities. Lead exposure is an incredibly important environmental justice issue,” she said.
MPH student Lance Frankel studies emergency school meals during COVID
For his practicum, Frankel worked with conducted an analysis of emergency school meal programs across Washington state during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Student KeliAnne Hara-Hubbard assesses community orgs serving Asian Americans during COVID-19
KeliAnne Hara-Hubbard conducted interviews with leaders and staff from community-based organizations serving older Asian and Asian American adults in Washington state to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and assess how well the organizations were able to adapt to the changing environment and client needs.