SPH releases statement on impacts of anti-Blackness as Black History Month begins
UW School of Public Health Dean Hilary Godwin and Wendy E. Barrington, the director of the UW Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH), released a statement to the school’s community. HSPop is a department within SPH.
National Public Health Week: Accessibility
For today’s National Public Health Week (#NPHW) theme, “Accessibility: Closing the Equity Gap”, we are sharing the profile of Audrey Lu, a student in the UW Bachelor of Science in Health Informatics and Health Information Management (HIHIM) program.
New anti-racism research center
There is a new research center in the department — the Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH), which will serve as a community-driven academic hub focused on the critical interrogation and disruption of racism and racialization within systems.
We stand with the School of Public Health in our commitment to truth, justice, and democracy
We stand with leaders in the UW School of Public Health in condemning the horrific events of January 6, 2020, and remain firm in our commitment to truth, justice, and democracy. We will continue to work to affirm our values in the comings weeks and months.