Genetic risk of progression to type 2 diabetes and response to intensive lifestyle or metformin in prediabetic women with and without a history of gestational diabetes mellitus.

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  2. Genetic risk of progression to type 2 diabetes and response to intensive lifestyle or metformin in prediabetic women with and without a history of gestational diabetes mellitus.

  3. Genetic risk of progression to type 2 diabetes and response to intensive lifestyle or metformin in prediabetic women with and without a history of gestational diabetes mellitus.

Sullivan SD, Jablonski KA, Florez JC, Dabelea D, Franks PW, Dagogo-Jack S, Kim C, Knowler WC, Christophi CA, Ratner R; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Genetic risk of progression to type 2 diabetes and response to intensive lifestyle or metfor

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