Comparison of control and stability of oral anticoagulant therapy using acenocoumarol versus phenprocoumon.

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  2. Comparison of control and stability of oral anticoagulant therapy using acenocoumarol versus phenprocoumon.

  3. Comparison of control and stability of oral anticoagulant therapy using acenocoumarol versus phenprocoumon.

Fihn SD, Gadisseur AA, Pasterkamp E, van der Meer FJ, Breukink-Engbers WG, Geven-Boere LM, van Meegen E, de Vries-Goldschmeding H, Antheunissen-Anneveld I, van’t Hoff AR, Harderman D, Smink M, Rosendaal FR. Comparison of control and stability of oral anti

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