The UW Department of Health Systems and Population Health (HSPop) is committed to making our department more inclusive, equitable, and diverse. To achieve this, we aim to address oppressive structures, create learning opportunities to explore how oppression impacts every aspect of our department, and implement anti-racist interventions to support critical reflexivity and build an inclusive environment.
We Value EDI and Anti-Racism
At the core of our EDI efforts, we work to achieve the following outcomes.
Excellence through Equity
Increased diversity and inclusiveness leads to greater richness and creativity in our academic environment and workplace. When everyone has a seat at the table and their voices are heard, we create better practitioners and scholars.
Responsible Partnerships
We are committed to preparing our graduates to develop and maintain responsible and responsive relationships with community partners, clients, and patients from all socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.
Social Justice
It is morally right and just that all people have equitable access to the opportunities of higher education. All members of our community deserve to be included in equitable ways, across differences of ideas, history, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion, gender identification, national origin, race, and ethnicity.
We are committed to identifying and dismantling structures, policies, and practices that result in differential outcomes and treatment of people based on race.
HSPop EDI Committee
HSPop has its own EDI committee, which serves to support and take action on departmental EDI efforts.
To be successful, our efforts to improve our department’s approach to equity, diversity, and inclusion must be collaborative. The HSPop committee includes and welcomes diversity among its members, including having co-chairs who represent faculty, staff, and students of the department.
Visit the EDI Committee WebsiteEDI Efforts at HSPop and the School of Public Health
Equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts are happening across the department and beyond its EDI committee. EDI work is also taking place in the UW School of Public Health where the department is housed.
While research centers and academic programs may have their own EDI efforts, department faculty, staff, and students are involved in school-level EDI work and committees.
EDI Efforts in Research
Research centers and academic programs may have their own EDI efforts related specifically to research.
The Center for Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH) — housed in HSPop — serves as a community-driven academic hub focused on the critical interrogation and disruption of racism and racialization within systems while centering those most impacted by legacies of U.S. colonization. The center’s goal is to co-develop a structure that includes opportunities for consultation, collaboration and partnership, advocacy and activism, and shared decision-making with Black and Indigenous communities as a form of reparations for legacies of slavery, genocide, and assimilation.
ARCHThe UW School of Public Health (SPH) is also committed to mentoring and training the next generation of public health professionals and prioritizes EDI efforts. There are also funding opportunities aimed to increase diversity in the research workforce by providing training, mentorship and career development opportunities.
SPH Diversity SupplementsEDI Resources
We provide and share resources to faculty, staff, and students as needed to support anti-racism efforts, as well as equity, diversity, and inclusion work.
EDI ResourcesHSEED Award and Student Funding
The Health Systems Excellence, Equity, and Distinction (HSEED) Award honors students and helps increase diversity in the field of public health. The HSEED Award is presented annually to students in our degree programs.