Year/Quarter: 20253
Epidemiology/Critical Evidence Appraisal
Basic knowledge about methods used in epidemiology and their application to critical appraisal of clinical, epidemiological, and health administration literature for evidence-based management of healthcare organizations, improvement of delivery of health services, and for creating health policies.
Public Health Integrative Learning Experience
Students create a culminating project for the Online Master of Public Health program, demonstrating extensive knowledge about a specific public health topic, synthesizing theory and knowledge acquired in prior coursework, the practicum, and other learning experiences. Students complete a project from start to finish and prepare a final report and an oral presentation. Prerequisite: enrollment…
Practicum/Field Work in Community Medicine
Experience in variable time blocks in community health activities in agencies delivering and planning health services. Sites include neighborhood clinics, health planning bodies, medical practice settings, public health agencies, special problem clinics and facilities, environmental programs and services. Prerequisite: master’s student in health services and permission of instructor.
Program Seminars
Graduate seminars organized to address specific educational needs of students in various fellowships, residencies, and other specialized programs within the Department of Health Sciences (i.e., maternal and child health, international health, preventive medicine, social and behavioral sciences). Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Public Health Leadership II: Systems Thinking for Public Health Leaders
Explores leadership and systems thinking to address complex public health issues. Prepares students to partner with a variety of stakeholders and participate in community-based coalitions. Students create problem statements and systems maps, apply an equity lens to solving public health issues, set programmatic goals, develop strategies to improve health, and discuss financing strategies for sustainable…
Health Policy and the Public’s Health
Explores the factors that affect health policy and the interaction of policy, markets, and the legal system through public health examples. Examines how science and community values intertwine in policy development, and how context influences the structure of and changes to a nation’s health system.
Health Program Evaluation
Focuses on the use of evaluations within health programs. Discusses how program evaluations utilize research methods to answer questions concerning efficacy, implementation, and drivers of changes in health. It also looks at the reasons for creating program evaluations — the drivers of evaluation, how results can be transformed into action, and the role of equity…
Health Communication and Marketing for Health Promotion: Theory and Practice
Provides an introduction to the field of health communication and social marketing. Focuses on how persuasive communication and marketing are most effectively used to improve population health and reduce inequities. Students develop and present a health communication campaign proposal.
HIHIM 550 Health Care Information Governance
Covers the conceptualization, design, and management of data initiatives and knowledge needed by the healthcare enterprise. Reviews data integrity principles and guidelines to determine methodology for evaluation development and management of internal and external information requirements. Offered: W.