Year/Quarter: 20253
Problems in Global Health
Explores social, political, economic, and environmental determinants of health and societal responses to health problems globally. Covers impact of colonialism, equity strategies, Primary Health Care, neoliberalism, war, international agencies, the climate crisis, water, sanitation, and traditional health systems.
Environmental and Occupational Health for Public Health Practitioners
Introduces students in professional degree programs in Public Health to basic concepts from environmental and occupational health sciences, to the methods used to study the links between the environment and health, to the health impacts of various environmental exposures, and to the environmental public health approach to controlling or managing risks and promoting health.
Independent Study
Individual library or field study project selected in consultation with a faculty adviser.
Independent Study
Individual library or field study project selected in consultation with a faculty adviser.
Determinants of Health
Describes and applies frameworks for understanding determinants of health at multiple levels and within different systems. Emphasizes individual- and family-level determinants, physical and social environments, population-level determinants, and systems dynamics. Students learn how to apply theory and to interpret and weigh evidence to identify and prioritize health determinants for public health research, practice, and policy.…
Analytic Skills for Public Health II
Introduces qualitative and mixed methods and relevance to rigorous public health research and practice. Places a strong emphasis on qualitative data analysis as an integral dimension of the mixed-methods approach. Focuses on contexts for and types of qualitative research questions, integration with quantitative measures of magnitude and frequency, and assessment of strength of evidence in…
Capstone Integrative Seminar
Designed to assist students in the transition from theory to practice. Emphasis on sharpening analytical and intuitive leadership practices through the use of interactive case studies, team building exercises, and field projects. Prerequisite: second-year MHA students.
Health Economics
Uses economic concepts and tools to examine range of issues pertaining to healthcare, delivery of healthcare services. Includes demand analysis, production of health services, expenditure growth, markets for hospital and physician services, externalities. Emphasis on using economics to examine issues and solve problems. Prior economics courses not required.