Tag: News
Sharing public health knowledge through short documentary filmmaking
Dr. Megha Ramaswamy (PhD, MPH) disseminates insights from her public health research via her (S)HE video series, which stands for Sexual Health Empowerment, and shares stories from women with experiences of incarceration.
Miriana Duran receives Magnuson Scholarship to examine impact of FreshBucks program
Miriana Duran, PhD student and research scientist with the University of Washington’s Health Promotion Research Center (HPRC), focuses on reducing disparities faced by Latinx communities in Washington. For her PhD, she’s examining the mental health impacts of Seattle’s FreshBucks program.
Are artificial sweeteners a safe sugar substitute?
Dr. Jim Krieger was interviewed by journalists at the New York Times about the safety of artificial sweeteners. Read below for more information and the full article.
Dr. Austin Gaal spreads cleft care expertise, treatment at home and abroad
Dr. Austin Gaal is earning a Master of Public Health (MPH) as a student in the Online MPH program without pausing his career as an oral surgeon and clinical assistant professor.
Banta-Green advocates for Health Engagement Hubs
Caleb Banta-Green, professor at HSPop and Director of the Center for Community-Engaged Drug Education, Epidemiology & Research, co-developed Health Engagement Hubs to combat the opioid crisis. Banta-Green’s decades-long research shows significant reductions in opioid use and mortality leading to his advocating for a national implementation of the model.
Creating more equitable health care for sexual assault survivors
Mayra Muratalla Muñoz of the Online Master of Public Health program advocates for sexual assault survivors, inside and outside of the classroom. Her practicum focuses on improving the forensic exam for disabled survivors.
Study recommendations come to fruition in new policies to combat fentanyl crisis
Researchers collected qualitative data from first responders as well as people who use drugs to glean their attitudes around three different policy ideas: leave-behind naloxone, buprenorphine, and HIV/HCV testing.
Sarah Munro receives grant to study equitable contraception access in British Columbia
Recently, Sarah Munro received funding from the Ministry of Health Research Seed Grant program, in partnership with UBC Health, to study the impact of two new policies in British Columbia. The province took the leap of making all contraception methods available for free, including the pill and IUDs.
Ria Francisco receives Anderson-O’Connell Award for Outstanding Staff Service & Outstanding Staff Award
Ria Francisco, the Senior Grants Administrator for HSPoP, plays a vital role in securing millions of dollars in research grants to faculty each year. Recently, Francisco was honored with two awards for staff excellence, the Andersen-O’Connell Award for Outstanding Staff Service and the Outstanding Staff Award.
Distress and depression rates soar among American transgender or gender-diverse adults
A new analysis of federal health data reveals rates of distress and depression among American adults who identify as transgender or gender-diverse (TGD) have more than doubled between 2014 and 2022.