Tag: News
Hannon recognized as top influential woman scholar by American Journal of Health Promotion
HSPop faculty member Peggy Hannon has been recognized by the “American Journal of Health Promotion” as one of the most accomplished and influential women researchers and educators in the public health education and health promotion field.
Research project aims to improve care after cancer genetic testing
Sarah Knerr received a 5-year, $4.6M award from the National Institutes of Health to investigate methods to improve adherence to risk management after cancer genetic testing.
HSPop faculty, staff, students receive SPH Awards of Excellence
The UW School of Public Health recognized dozens of students, staff, and faculty at its annual Excellence Awards celebration, including six individuals from our department. The Excellence Awards celebrate members of the school’s community for their dedication, service, and many contributions to public health.
Seattle’s Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax results in improved public health outcomes
A new study has determined that Seattle’s Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) has had numerous positive impacts since going into effect in 2018. “One of the most important findings of our study is that we see impacts on health outcomes among both youth and adults in association with the tax,” said Jessica Jones-Smith, a co-investigator on…
Co-creating a culture of community care with unhoused neighbors
Daniel Viveros, a student in the UW Community-Oriented Public Heath Practice Master of Public Health program, is a recipient of the Jack and Gayle Thompson Endowment from the UW School of Public Health.
COPHP MPH alum Alejandro Varela to receive the Alumni of Impact Award
Alum Alejandro Varela is this year’s recipient of the UW School of Public Health Alumni of Impact Award. The award is for those who have outstanding achievements in public health and made significant contributions to their communities.
MPH students build roads to equitable health care in rural communities
Liz Mariluz and Elena Soyer, Health Services MPH students, engaged with rural communities through their practicums. Practicum projects are a field-based experience with a public health organization required for our MPH degrees.
Ph.D. candidate highlights the experiences of Washington state agricultural workers
Érica Chavez Santos, a Health Services Ph.D. student, is researching the association of labor and social determinant-related laws and agricultural workers’ health. Her goal is to address the knowledge gap about the impact of labor laws on agricultural workers’ health.
Faculty member Linda Ko is combatting obesity by inspiring healthy lifestyle habits in rural school systems
There are both regional and ethnic disparities in childhood obesity. While Linda Ko’s research team set out to understand why childhood obesity in rural Latino communities is so prevalent, they also partnered with the Yakima community find strategies to prevent it.
Online MPH alum Michael Tynan publishes thesis for CDC
Michael measured air quality at casinos in 2022 during a tobacco study. “It gives us that comparison point that can help casino employees, for example, understand what kind of exposure levels they’re looking at compared to a smoke-free environment.” he said.