Exclusion of clinically atypical or microbiologically mixed diarrhoeal episodes from outcome events in a field trial of oral cholera vaccines.

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  2. Exclusion of clinically atypical or microbiologically mixed diarrhoeal episodes from outcome events in a field trial of oral cholera vaccines.

  3. Exclusion of clinically atypical or microbiologically mixed diarrhoeal episodes from outcome events in a field trial of oral cholera vaccines.

Clemens JD, Stanton BF, Harris JR, Chakraborty J, Sack DA, Rao MR, Ahmed F, Ansaruzzaman M, Yunus MD, Svennerholm AM, et al. Exclusion of clinically atypical or microbiologically mixed diarrhoeal episodes from outcome events in a field trial of oral chole

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