Publication Author: House_Peter
The University of Washington’s Community-Oriented Public Health Practice program and Public Health-Seattle & King County partnership.
House PJ, Hartfield K, Nicola B, Bogan SL. The University of Washington’s Community-Oriented Public Health Practice Program and Public Health-Seattle & King County Partnership. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2014 May-Jun;20(3):285-9. doi: 10.1097/PHH.00
Identifying the gaps between biodefense researchers, public health, and clinical practice in a rural community.
Van Fleet-Green JM, Chen FM, House P. Identifying the gaps between biodefense researchers, public health, and clinical practice in a rural community. J Rural Health. 2008 Summer;24(3):326-9.
Regional solutions to the physician workforce shortage: the WWAMI experience.
Norris TE, Coombs JB, House P, Moore S, Wenrich MD, Ramsey PG. Regional solutions to the physician workforce shortage: the WWAMI experience. Acad Med. 2006 Oct;81(10):857-62. Review.
Student providers aspiring to rural and underserved experiences at the University of Washington: promoting team practice among the health care professions.
Norris TE, House P, Schaad D, Mas J, Kelday JM. Student providers aspiring to rural and underserved experiences at the University of Washington: promoting team practice among the health care professions. Acad Med. 2003 Dec;78(12):1211-6.
Low-bandwidth, low-cost telemedicine consultations in rural family practice.
Norris TE, Hart GL, Larson EH, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Masuda DL, Fuller SS, House PJ, Dyck SM. Low-bandwidth, low-cost telemedicine consultations in rural family practice. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2002 Mar-Apr;15(2):123-7.