Program: MPH
Health Policy Research
Extends students’ understanding of the nature of health policy and health policy development in the context of a market-based economy. Enrollment priority for Health Services PhD students.
Social Determinants of Population Health and Health Disparities
Explores the elements and actions of a population health approach, including conceptualizing the determinants of health, synthesizing knowledge about major social determinants, and applying knowledge to improve population health and reduce health disparities. Enrollment priority for Health Services PhD students. Offered: jointly with EPI 547.
Qualitative Research Methods for Health Systems and Population Health
Builds on introductory training in qualitative research methods by diving deeper into different frameworks, study designs, sampling approaches, and data collections tools. Covers various data analytic approaches, as well as data visualization, interpretation, writing and presenting qualitative research findings. Students learn to apply these concepts and execute a qualitative research project from start to finish.
Health Program Evaluation
Focuses on the use of evaluations within health programs. Discusses how program evaluations utilize research methods to answer questions concerning efficacy, implementation, and drivers of changes in health. It also looks at the reasons for creating program evaluations — the drivers of evaluation, how results can be transformed into action, and the role of equity…
Advanced Health Services Research Methods I: Large Public Databases; Big Data
Introduces the new big data of health services research, health claims, and survey databases. Discusses the promises and pitfalls of the data and models for analyzing the correlates of health care costs and utilization. Prerequisite: either HSERV 511, BIOST 511/BIOST 512/BIOST 513, BIOST 517/BIOST 518, or EPI 511/EPI 512, and permission of instructor.
Advanced Health Services Research Methods III: Causal Inference Using Observational Data
Focuses on reviewing statistical methods developed for “micro” (individual-level) data on behavior (choices or exposures) and outcomes in order to make causal inference about the role of a choice or an exposure on outcomes. Prerequisite: either HSERV 523, BIOST 511, BIOST 512, BIOST 513, or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with HEOR 551.
Health Communication and Marketing for Health Promotion: Theory and Practice
Provides an introduction to the field of health communication and social marketing. Focuses on how persuasive communication and marketing are most effectively used to improve population health and reduce inequities. Students develop and present a health communication campaign proposal.