Program: MHIHIM
Clinical Vocabularies and Terminologies
Covers clinical terminologies, classifications, and mapping, which provides information on taxonomies and metadata, information objects, and classification theory in organizing information in an electronic system. Includes current initiatives in terminologies and data mapping in electronic health record systems. Offered: S.
Healthcare Privacy and Security in the e-Environment
Covers the laws, regulations, policies, and practice related to the confidentiality, privacy, and security of health information in an electronic environment. Federal and state laws and regulations require specific performance in the acquisition, use, storage, and maintenance of health information. Examines systems and practices. Offered: Sp.
Healthcare Databases and Applications
Provides an overview of data models, architecture platforms, and relational database theory and technology. Covers design and uses of databases in patient record systems, registries and indexes, and health databases, security, privacy and ethical issues, database design, data integrity, field properties, tables, reports, queries, and data retrieval. Offered: Sp.
Health Data Analytics
Healthcare organizations generate a large number of clinical performance metrics. Extracted data from different data systems is used to display relevant metrics in dashboards that are meaningful to senior leadership. Statistical tools may determine if differences in performance are significant and what factors are associated with the differences. Predictive models may then be built and…
Law, Policy, and Ethics in Health Information
Explores the laws, policies, and issues involved in oversight and management of health data and health information systems. Defines the legal health record and the requirements, role, and uses. Covers the legal and ethical framework, issues and concepts, and the role of e-discovery on the emerging health data environment. Offered: W.
Enterprise Systems and Electronic Health Records
Covers industry drivers, development, compliance framework, and certification of electronic health record systems status and operations addressed through strategic decision making and leadership: data movement among enterprise clinical, business, administrative systems to legal health record; and barrier and benefit assessment within major institutional culture and technology initiative changes. Offered: A.
Introduction to Health Informatics
Healthcare is one of today’s most information-intense industries. Yet healthcare delivery organizations have been slow to adopt advanced health information technology (HIT). It is imperative that future health care leaders have a deep understanding of and belief in HIT spanning the spectrum of health delivery systems.