Program: MHA
Accounting for Health Service Managers
Emphasis on preparing graduate students for management and leadership roles in their healthcare organizations. Covers financial accounting including the accounting equation, journal entries, and processes of accounting.
Project Management
Introduces need for, concepts of, and tools and techniques used in contemporary project management. Builds upon prior courses and experience in leadership, management, planning, and team development. Focuses on difference between management of ongoing operations and of projects, and the need for a disciplined approach when planning and executing projects. Offered: W.
Healthcare Financial Management
Focuses on the tools and analytic frameworks that healthcare managers use to make prospective forward-looking decisions. Problems worked in-class and assigned as homework to ensure that participants develop competencies and confidence in applying the analytic tools and frameworks. Prerequisite: HSERV 511 and ACCTG 500 or ACCTG 501 or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
Quantitative Methods
Concentrates on fundamental concepts of statistics and their application to healthcare management. Approaches statistics from two different perspectives that benefit leaders in healthcare: that of biostatistics and evidence based medicine, and that of management statistics for process improvement.
Quality Process Management
Provides a thorough understanding of the main concepts of operations management with a focus on total quality management techniques, along with key integrative frameworks that provide the foundation for successful applications of these approaches, as applied to healthcare organizations.
Clinical Systems Management
Introduces the management of clinical systems and their underlying cultures. Focuses on quality improvement, change management, governance, and clinical leadership development of physician-administrator partnerships in complex medical care settings.
Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations
Management of goals, strategy, and structure in healthcare organizations. Design of external relationships and internal structures., strategy-formulation, decision-making, and change. Integration of professional, social, and organizational values. Theory, student and practitioner experience, and case studies used to enhance repertoire of management approaches and skills. Prerequisite: HSERV 511 and HSMGMT 560 or equivalent.
Health Administration and Business Law
Studies numerous interrelated legal topics pertinent to healthcare organizations, typically including contracts, medical malpractice, legal and ethical obligations to provide healthcare, privileging, medical decision-making, tax-exemption, antitrust, fraud, and health information management. Encourages discussion of how the law supports or hinders current efforts to improve healthcare delivery systems.
Informatics in Healthcare Management
Medical informatics concerns the representation, organization, and manipulation of biomedical information and knowledge. Exposes students to a high-level understanding of informatics and its healthcare applications. Discussion of successes and failures in implementing information technology focuses on gaining leadership and management knowledge that embraces informatics.