What’s our name? Incarceration and Health in Washington: Community of Practice
Who are we? A group of individuals working in Washington state with a shared commitment to the health of people with justice system involvement.
What’s our charge? To maximize impact. We have formed this connection to share information on research, teaching, service, clinical work, and policy relevant to the health of people with justice system involvement. By being networked and meeting regularly, we hope to forge new relationships, learn about new opportunities, and have a shared community of experts with which the larger field may draw on.
Who are our members? People can self-select into/out of membership, as long as they are working in Washington state in the areas of research, teaching, service, clinical work, or policy relevant to the health of people with justice system involvement (see below current members).
Inquiries: Write to Megha Ramaswamy if you have questions, need resources, or want to join us.
Name | Institution | Expertise (Research, teaching, service, clinical, policy) | |
Megha Ramaswamy | drmegha@uw.edu | University of Washington, Health Systems and Population Health | Research |
Jay Miller | JMiller@tpchd.org | Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department | Public health, clinical |
Laura Morgan | lmorgan@seattlereentryclinic.org | Country Doctor Community Clinic | Clinical |
Jennifer Jones-Vanderleest | Jennifer.Jones-Vanderleest@kingcounty.gov | King County Jail & University of Washington, Health Systems and Population Health | Research, clinical, teaching |
Keeonna Harris | keeonna@uw.edu | University of Washington, Health Systems and Population Health | Research |
Xinyang Li | Xli06@uw.edu | University of Washington, Health Systems and Population Health | Research |
Helen Jack | hjack@uw.edu | University of Washington, Internal Medicine | Research, clinical |
Nick Iacobelli | iaco@uw.edu | University of Washington, Internal Medicine | Research, clinical |
Marc Stern | marcstern@live.com | University of Washington; Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs | Research, teaching, policy |
Lara Strick | Strick@uw.edu | University of Washington, Infectious Disease; & Washington Department of Corrections | Research, teaching, clinical, policy, public health |
Hillary Liss | hliss@uw.edu | University of Washington, Internal Medicine | Clinical |
Mandy Owens | mandyo@uw.edu | University of Washington, Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute | Research, clinical, policy, teaching |
Sarah Gimbel | sgimbel@uw.edu | University of Washington, Nursing | Research |
Jenna van Draanen | jvandraa@uw.edu | University of Washington, Nursing and Health Systems and Population Health | Research |
Lauren Owens | lowens2@uw.edu | University of Washington, Obstetrics and Gynecology | Clinical |
Alina Bennett | Alina.bennett@kp.org | Kaiser Permanente, Northern California Region | Research, teaching, service, policy |
Sixtine Gurrey | sgurrey@uw.edu | University of Washington; Washington Dept of Health | Research, public health |
Emily Callen | ejcallen@uw.edu | University of Washington, Pharmacy | Research |
Julie Dombrowski | jdombrow@uw.edu | University of Washington, Infectious Disease;& Public Health – Seattle & King County | Research, clinical, teaching, policy, public health |
Angelina Snodgrass Godoy | agodoy@uw.edu | University of Washington | Research esp on immigration detention |
Heather Barnett | hbarnett@uw.edu | University of Washington | Clinical, research |
Omeid Heidari | oheidar1@uw.edu | University of Washington | Research, clinical |