Category: Student Research & Fieldwork
Localio aims to impact vulnerable populations through research-based public health policy
Anna Localio, PhD candidate in Health Services, has earned the Outstanding PhD Student Award for her research, including a study on the impact of federal free school meals on children’s health. Her work, supervised by Dr. Jessica Jones-Smith, explores quantitative research in nutrition policy. Localio’s past includes significant community service, emphasizing public health benefits access.
COPHP capstone project explores Indigenous youths’ connection to Water
Steven Nez of the Community-Oriented Public Health Practice MPH program takes a deep dive into his past as an Indigenous Youth and his connection to Water in his COPHP capstone project, recognizing natural entities like water as integral elements of wellness.
Seattle’s sweetened beverage tax linked to lower BMIs in children
The researchers found that compared to those living in neighboring nontaxed areas, Seattle children experienced a greater decrease in body mass index.
Understanding racial disparities in uterine fibroid care
Compared to other races receiving treatment for fibroids, Black women are more likely to be put through invasive surgeries, yet they still end up having worse outcomes. “One key takeaway from our research is the importance of offering Black veterans multiple treatment options, including fertility-sparing choices,” says Owens.
Stankovic combines passions for music and public health in her research
Upon beginning the Master of Public Health program at UW, Stankovic realized how she could combine two disparate passions for music in public health with pre-med and arts degrees.
Critical What?! – Teaching media literacy to youth filmmakers
For her practicum, HSPop MPH student Marie Antoinette Perez worked as a research instructor on a documentary film project. Her contribution involved creating lesson plans and giving a series of presentations to the youth filmmakers that covered media literacy and basic research methods.
Universal Free School Meals: A key ingredient in improving childhood health outcomes
Findings from a promising new study show universal free school meals could be an excellent tool in reducing childhood obesity and improving health outcomes. “Universal free school meals are important because they eliminate the paperwork required for both schools and parents to maintain eligibility for free meals,” said Dr. Jessica Jones-Smith, “They also provide free…
Sherry Wu (MPH ’23) Awarded APHA’s Masters Student Research Award in Aging and Public Health
Sherry Wu, Research Coordinator and UW alum, has been awarded the 2023 Masters Student Research Award in Aging and Public Health. Wu says, “Our society’s emphasis on productivity categorizes older adults as less desirable. But the experiences and wisdom of older adults are invaluable, and they have a right to fulfilling and healthy lives.”
How social and economic inequalities are impacting everyone’s life expectancy in America
“There is something about being born in the U.S. that gives you a life expectancy disadvantage,” said Youssef Azami, a graduate student in public health and public policy at the University of Washington.
Access to culturally relevant and healthy foods is critical to improving health equity in Seattle
“Increasing access to farmers markets is really important because when you’re looking at some of the top chronic diseases that a lot of people are dying from in this country, a lot can be related to nutrition.”