Category: Research
New research shows long-lasting effectiveness of physical activity programs in rural areas
Research shows the myriad health benefits of physical activity, from preventing cardiovascular disease and Type II diabetes to lowering overall mortality. Replacing even 30 minutes of sedentary activity a day with physical activity has measurable benefits. Worryingly few Americans, however, meet federal physical activity guidelines, especially in rural areas.
Understanding racial disparities in uterine fibroid care
Compared to other races receiving treatment for fibroids, Black women are more likely to be put through invasive surgeries, yet they still end up having worse outcomes. “One key takeaway from our research is the importance of offering Black veterans multiple treatment options, including fertility-sparing choices,” says Owens.
Judy Simon launches new book “Getting to Baby: A Food-First Fertility Plan” with Whole U Q&A
According to clinical instructor Judy Simon, the stigma surrounding infertility persists. Simon’s new book “Getting to Baby: A Food-First Fertility Plan” offers practical, scientifically grounded advice for hopeful parents-to-be.
Teaching the intersection of war and public health
Professors Amy Hagopian and James Pfeiffer aim to increase awareness and advocacy surrounding war as a public health crisis. Their class War and Public Health explores the intersection of public health and the far-reaching effects of war.
Using social media to understand emerging trends in digital health
The COVID-19 pandemic led to a boom in digital health. As many services moved online, social media sites became venues for health care professionals to discuss pressing issues in their field. A new study co-authored by Dr. Karima Lalani uses a surprising source to glean trends in digital health: tweets.
Queering the classroom with Sophie Godley (MPH ’99)
HSPop alum Sophie Godley (DrPH, MPH) along with colleagues at Boston University, found that students benefit when LGBTQ+ faculty authentically present their identities and harness open conversations about gender and sexual identity in the classroom.
How to build equitable partnerships between researchers and communities
Communities and academic researchers must collaborate to improve health equity, but finding each other and aligning goals can be challenging.
Universal Free School Meals: A key ingredient in improving childhood health outcomes
Findings from a promising new study show universal free school meals could be an excellent tool in reducing childhood obesity and improving health outcomes. “Universal free school meals are important because they eliminate the paperwork required for both schools and parents to maintain eligibility for free meals,” said Dr. Jessica Jones-Smith, “They also provide free…
Sarah Munro receives grant to research rural medication abortion care
Dr. Sarah Munro’s research team is looking to create evidence-based guidelines to support abortion care for people living in remote areas.
The Role of Patient Decision Aids: Supporting High-Quality Patient-Centered Healthcare
Patient decision aids are evidence-based tools to support shared decision-making between patients and clinicians. Dr. Logan Trenaman, assistant professor, recently co-authored a Cochrane Review of these aids which re-affirmed previous findings. “Compared to usual care, patient decision aids increase patients’ knowledge, their participation in decision-making, and help them make decisions that are aligned with their…