Course Listings

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The UW Department of Health Systems and Population Health (HSPop) offers a wide array of distinctive courses to meet the varied needs of our students.

Our faculty and staff are dedicated to training the next generation of public health leaders who will improve the health and well-being of communities locally, nationally, and globally.

Please note, course information can change close to the beginning of each quarter.

Fee-Based Courses

Some courses offered in our department are part of our fee-based programs. Students enrolled in the course are charged a fee on a per-credit or quarter basis. This fee is separate and different from UW tuition.

Course Credits Program(s) Funding
Autumn 2024
HIHIM 400: Health Care Language for Health Informatics and Information Management 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 405: Introduction to Health Data Analytics 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 410: Foundations in Health Information Management 4 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 415: CPT/HCPCS, Clinical Documentation and Revenue Management 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 421: Health Information Systems Analysis 5 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 450: Healthcare Delivery and Policy 5 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 460: Professional Pathways 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 508: Health Information Management systems and Leadership 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 509: Introduction to Health Informatics 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 540: Consumer Health Informatics 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 552: Healthcare Business Intelligence 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HSERV 100: Personal and Public Health 3 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 343: Health Behavior and Health Promotion 5 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 499: Independent Study 1-12, max. 12 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 511: Introduction to Health Services and Public Health 3/4 EMHA, MHA, MS fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 512: Health Systems and Policy 3 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 520: Applied Research Methods in Public Health 4 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 522: Health Program Evaluation 3/4 MPH, OMPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 523: Advanced Health Services Research Methods I: Large Public Databases; Big Data (4-5) MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 526: Advanced Methods for Global Health I 4 PhD tuition-based
HSERV 531: COPHP Population Health and Community Development 6 COPHP fee-based
HSERV 537: COPHP Health Policy 6 COPHP fee-based
HSERV 552: Health Policy Development 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSERV 566: Public Health Leadership I: Organizational and Financial Management 5 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 578: Preparing, Writing, and Critiquing Scientific Research Proposals (2-3) PhD tuition-based
HSERV 579: Structural Racism and Public Health 1 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 581: Strategies of Health Promotion 4 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 592: Program Seminars 1-6, max. 20 COPHP, MPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 595: Practicum/Field Work in Community Medicine [1-12]-, max. 12 COPHP, MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 600: Independent Study *- available to all grad level fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 700: Master’s Thesis *- MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
HSMGMT 503: Population Health Management (2/3) EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 505: Managing Healthcare Organizations 3 EMHA, MHA, MHIHIM fee-based
HSMGMT 507: Group Dynamics and Team Leadership [1-4]-, max. 4 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 510: Organizational Behavior (3-4) EMHA, MHA, MHIHIM fee-based
HSMGMT 523: Informatics in Healthcare Management 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 562: Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations (3-5) EMHA, MHA, MHIHIM fee-based
HSMGMT 568: Quality Process Management 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 570: Quantitative Methods 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 576: Capital Planning 2 EMHA fee-based
HSMGMT 579: Accounting for Health Service Managers 3 MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 590: Select Topics 1-6, max. 12 EMHA fee-based
HSMGMT 592: Health Management Program Seminar 1-6, max. 6 EMHA, MHA fee-based
PHI 500: Public Health Practice, Science and Knowledge 1 MS, PhD tuition-based
PHI 511: Foundations of Public Health 3 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
PHI 512: Analytic Skills for Public Health I 7 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
PHI 515: Implementing Public Health Interventions 4 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
PHI 516: Public Health Practice 3 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
PHI 700: Master’s Thesis 3 MPH tuition-based
PHI 701: Master’s Capstone 3 MPH tuition-based
Winter 2025
ENVH 512: Environmental and Occupational Health for Public Health Practitioners 3 OMPH fee-based
GH 511: Problems in Global Health [0-4]-, max. 4 OMPH fee-based
HIHIM 408: Management Concepts with HIM Applications 4 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 409: Disease Concepts for Managers 4 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 411: Health Data Management 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 413: Revenue Cycle Management 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 420: Healthcare Computer Systems and Electronic Health Records 5 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 425: Research Design and Statistics for HIHIM 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 454: Finance Concepts for Healthcare Managers 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 470: Legal Concepts for Health Fields 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 510: Enterprise Systems and Electronic Health Records 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 520: Law, Policy, and Ethics in Health Information 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 535: Clinical Vocabularies and Terminologies 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 556: Healthcare Quality and Technology 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 599: Capstone Project 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HSERV 344: Public Health and Health Systems Management 5 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 454: Homelessness in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in a City of Affluence 1/3, max. 3 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 482: The Health of Populations 4 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 499: Independent Study 1-12, max. 12 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 507: Health Communication and Marketing for Health Promotion: Theory and Practice 3 MPH, OMPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 509: Public Health and Informatics 3 MPH tuition-based
HSERV 511: Introduction to Health Services and Public Health 3/4 EMHA, MHA, MS fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 513: Health Policy Research 3 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 517: Qualitative Research Methods for Health Systems and Population Health 3 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 522: Health Program Evaluation 3/4 MPH, OMPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 524: Advanced Health Services Research Methods II: Hierarchical and Incomplete Data 4 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 533: COPHP Quantitative Methods 6 COPHP fee-based
HSERV 538: COPHP Evaluation Design and Community Organizing 6 COPHP fee-based
HSERV 542: Epidemiology of Maternal and Child Health Problems [3-4]- MPH tuition-based
HSERV 544: Maternal and Child Health in Low and Middle Income Countries 3 MPH tuition-based
HSERV 548: Research Methods for Social and Contextual Determinants of Health 3 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 551: Public Health Law 2-4, max. 4 MPH tuition-based
HSERV 553: Health Policy Development and Advocacy in the United States 4 MPH tuition-based
HSERV 554: Homelessness in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in a City of Affluence 1/3, max. 3 MPH tuition-based
HSERV 555: Health Disparities 2 MPH tuition-based
HSERV 559: Health Policy and the Public’s Health 4 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 567: Public Health Leadership II: Systems Thinking for Public Health Leaders 4 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 579: Structural Racism and Public Health 1 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 584: Assessing Outcomes in Health and Medicine 3 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 592: Program Seminars 1-6, max. 20 COPHP, MPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 595: Practicum/Field Work in Community Medicine [1-12]-, max. 12 COPHP, MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 598: Public Health Integrative Learning Experience 4 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 600: Independent Study *- available to all grad level fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 700: Master’s Thesis *- MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
HSMGMT 500: Risk and Insurance Seminar 3 MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 507: Group Dynamics and Team Leadership [1-4]-, max. 4 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 510: Organizational Behavior (3-4) EMHA, MHA, MHIHIM fee-based
HSMGMT 513: Seminar in Healthcare Finance 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 514: Health Economics 3 EMHA, MHA, MPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSMGMT 523: Informatics in Healthcare Management 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 531: Systems Modeling Frameworks for Healthcare 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 545: Capstone Integrative Seminar [1-4]-, max. 4 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 552: Health Administration and Business Law 4 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 562: Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations (3-5) EMHA, MHA, MHIHIM fee-based
HSMGMT 571: Healthcare Financial Management 3 MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 574: Financial Management I 4 EMHA fee-based
HSMGMT 578: Project Management 3 MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 592: Health Management Program Seminar 1-6, max. 6 EMHA, MHA fee-based
PHI 500: Public Health Practice, Science and Knowledge 1 MS, PhD tuition-based
PHI 513: Analytic Skills for Public Health II 3 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
PHI 514: Determinants of Health 3 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
Spring 2025
HIHIM 414: ICD, Clinical Documentation and Revenue Management 4 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 455: Leadership and Strategic Management 4 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 456: Quality Improvement in Healthcare 4 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 461: Professional Development and Networking 3 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 462: Capstone Project 5 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 480: HIM Operations and Project Management 4 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 499: Independent Study 1-5, max. 5 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 524: Health Data Analytics 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 530: Healthcare Privacy and Security in the e-Environment 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HSERV 204: Communicating about Health: Current Issues and Perspectives 3 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 345: Community Health Assessment 5 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 415: War and Health 4 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 473: Topics in Indigenous Health (2/3) UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 476: Introduction to Applied Qualitative Methods in Public Health 4 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 490: Advanced Topics: Indigenous Determinants of Health *- UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 499: Independent Study 1-12, max. 12 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 507: Health Communication and Marketing for Health Promotion: Theory and Practice 3 MPH, OMPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 514: Social Determinants of Population Health and Health Disparities 3 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 515: War and Health 4 MPH tuition-based
HSERV 520: Applied Research Methods in Public Health 4 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 525: Advanced Health Services Research Methods III: Causal Inference Using Observational Data [4/5]- MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 527: Survey Research Methods 4 MPH tuition-based
HSERV 534: COPHP Health Behavior and Health Promotion and Environmental Health 6 COPHP fee-based
HSERV 540: COPHP Management and Leadership 6 COPHP fee-based
HSERV 566: Public Health Leadership I: Organizational and Financial Management 5 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 570: Project Management in Public Health 3 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 573: Topics in Indigenous Health (2/3) MPH tuition-based
HSERV 578: Preparing, Writing, and Critiquing Scientific Research Proposals (2-3) PhD tuition-based
HSERV 579: Structural Racism and Public Health 1 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 587: Health Policy Economics 3 tuition-based
HSERV 589: Community Based Participatory Research and Health 3 MPH, PhD tuition-based
HSERV 590: Advanced Topics: Indigenous Determinants of Health *- MPH tuition-based
HSERV 592: Program Seminars 1-6, max. 20 COPHP, MPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 595: Practicum/Field Work in Community Medicine [1-12]-, max. 12 COPHP, MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 600: Independent Study *- available to all grad level fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 700: Master’s Thesis *- MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
HSMGMT 501: Epidemiology/Critical Evidence Appraisal 2-4, max. 4 EMHA, MHA, MHIHIM fee-based
HSMGMT 503: Population Health Management (2/3) EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 513: Seminar in Healthcare Finance 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 514: Health Economics 3 EMHA, MHA, MPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSMGMT 518: Ethical Issues in Health Services 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 545: Capstone Integrative Seminar [1-4]-, max. 4 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 562: Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations (3-5) EMHA, MHA, MHIHIM fee-based
HSMGMT 567: Clinical Systems Management 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 568: Quality Process Management 3 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 590: Select Topics 1-6, max. 12 EMHA fee-based
HSMGMT 592: Health Management Program Seminar 1-6, max. 6 EMHA, MHA fee-based
PHI 500: Public Health Practice, Science and Knowledge 1 MS, PhD tuition-based
PHI 511: Foundations of Public Health 3 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
PHI 512: Analytic Skills for Public Health I 7 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
PHI 515: Implementing Public Health Interventions 4 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
PHI 516: Public Health Practice 3 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
Summer 2025
ENVH 512: Environmental and Occupational Health for Public Health Practitioners 3 OMPH fee-based
GH 511: Problems in Global Health [0-4]-, max. 4 OMPH fee-based
HIHIM 499: Independent Study 1-5, max. 5 HIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 525: Healthcare Databases and Applications 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HIHIM 550: HIHIM 550 Health Care Information Governance 3 MHIHIM fee-based
HSERV 499: Independent Study 1-12, max. 12 UGrad tuition-based
HSERV 507: Health Communication and Marketing for Health Promotion: Theory and Practice 3 MPH, OMPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 522: Health Program Evaluation 3/4 MPH, OMPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 559: Health Policy and the Public’s Health 4 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 567: Public Health Leadership II: Systems Thinking for Public Health Leaders 4 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 592: Program Seminars 1-6, max. 20 COPHP, MPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 595: Practicum/Field Work in Community Medicine [1-12]-, max. 12 COPHP, MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 598: Public Health Integrative Learning Experience 4 OMPH fee-based
HSERV 600: Independent Study *- available to all grad level fee-based, tuition-based
HSERV 700: Master’s Thesis *- MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
HSMGMT 501: Epidemiology/Critical Evidence Appraisal 2-4, max. 4 EMHA, MHA, MHIHIM fee-based
HSMGMT 514: Health Economics 3 EMHA, MHA, MPH, PhD fee-based, tuition-based
HSMGMT 545: Capstone Integrative Seminar [1-4]-, max. 4 EMHA, MHA fee-based
HSMGMT 592: Health Management Program Seminar 1-6, max. 6 EMHA, MHA fee-based
PHI 513: Analytic Skills for Public Health II 3 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based
PHI 514: Determinants of Health 3 MPH, OMPH fee-based, tuition-based