Year/Quarter: 20251
Healthcare Quality and Technology
Explores the current healthcare environment related to healthcare safety issues. Examines an overview of major health and safety challenges and responses; focusing on the impact of the issues in improving health and safety in healthcare and information resources needed. Offered: Sp.
Capstone Project
Provides a practice-based problem solving experience that draws on health informatics and information management; health industry knowledge; leadership and management strategies; and applies project management skills to design, plan, and implement a management project in healthcare and healthcare related organizations. Offered: S.
Public Health and Health Systems Management
Introduces public health and health systems management concepts. Students learn key tenets of high-performing public health and healthcare organizations, and environments in which these organizations operate. Examines a variety of health system models, including governmental public health, healthcare delivery systems, accountable communities of health and other collaborative models. Offered: W.
Management Concepts with HIM Applications
Covers management principles from a health information management perspective and core management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, delegating, leading, and controlling; theories of management, both traditional and contemporary; leadership concepts in HIM; change management; human resource management; employment law; performance management, and HIM organizational structure.
Legal Concepts for Health Fields
Examines principles of law as applied to the health field, with reference to health information management.
Finance Concepts for Healthcare Managers
Covers financial concepts applied to today’s healthcare environment, financial management tools, and budgeting.
Research Design and Statistics for HIHIM
Explores healthcare and research statistics. Addresses hospital statistics, used to calculate usage levels of heathcare resources and outcomes of clinical operations, and research statistics, used to summarize and describe significant characteristics of a data set, and to make inferences about a population based on data collected from a sample. In addition, principles of research are…
Healthcare Computer Systems and Electronic Health Records
Current health information systems and the role of health informatics; technology infrastructure and health informatics standards, electronic health records, definitions, functions, issues, and barriers; hospitals, ambulatory care, home health and long-term care and computer applications. Prerequisite: HIHIM 410 and HIHIM 450.
Revenue Cycle Management
Covers the revenue cycle management of health information administration. Prerequisite: HIHIM 400.
Health Data Management
Addresses the governance and management of healthcare data through exploration of data assets and linking the assets to standards and quality. Prerequisite: HIHIM 410 and HIHIM 450.