Year/Quarter: 20251
Health Communication and Marketing for Health Promotion: Theory and Practice
Provides an introduction to the field of health communication and social marketing. Focuses on how persuasive communication and marketing are most effectively used to improve population health and reduce inequities. Students develop and present a health communication campaign proposal.
Public Health and Informatics
Introduction to the emerging field of public health informatics. Covers general public health topics as well as key public health informatics issues and applications. Evaluates a public health information system. Prerequisite: either BIME 530 or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with BIME 533.
Introduction to Health Services and Public Health
History, organization, and effectiveness of U.S. healthcare and public health systems. Determinants of health, need, and utilization. Public and private financing. Supply and provision of personal and public health services. Managed care. Government and private sector roles. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor.
Qualitative Research Methods for Health Systems and Population Health
Builds on introductory training in qualitative research methods by diving deeper into different frameworks, study designs, sampling approaches, and data collections tools. Covers various data analytic approaches, as well as data visualization, interpretation, writing and presenting qualitative research findings. Students learn to apply these concepts and execute a qualitative research project from start to finish.
Health Program Evaluation
Focuses on the use of evaluations within health programs. Discusses how program evaluations utilize research methods to answer questions concerning efficacy, implementation, and drivers of changes in health. It also looks at the reasons for creating program evaluations — the drivers of evaluation, how results can be transformed into action, and the role of equity…
Advanced Health Services Research Methods II: Hierarchical and Incomplete Data
Introduces advanced biostatistical techniques for analyzing incomplete data in population health research. Examines a wide range of topics including: missing data and potential outcome framework for causal inference, propensity score and multiple imputation, multilevel random effect linear and logistic models, and empirical Bayes prediction Prerequisite: either HSERV 523 or permission of instructor.
Health Policy Research
Extends students’ understanding of the nature of health policy and health policy development in the context of a market-based economy. Enrollment priority for Health Services PhD students.
Law, Policy, and Ethics in Health Information
Explores the laws, policies, and issues involved in oversight and management of health data and health information systems. Defines the legal health record and the requirements, role, and uses. Covers the legal and ethical framework, issues and concepts, and the role of e-discovery on the emerging health data environment. Offered: W.
Enterprise Systems and Electronic Health Records
Covers industry drivers, development, compliance framework, and certification of electronic health record systems status and operations addressed through strategic decision making and leadership: data movement among enterprise clinical, business, administrative systems to legal health record; and barrier and benefit assessment within major institutional culture and technology initiative changes. Offered: A.
Clinical Vocabularies and Terminologies
Covers clinical terminologies, classifications, and mapping, which provides information on taxonomies and metadata, information objects, and classification theory in organizing information in an electronic system. Includes current initiatives in terminologies and data mapping in electronic health record systems. Offered: S.