Year/Quarter: 20251
Health Disparities
Focuses on health disparities and health inequity in the United States. Course will cover both theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding patterns of health across social groups, with a focus on designing research and public health programs to addressing health disparities.
Health Policy Development and Advocacy in the United States
Practice-oriented course designed to enhance knowledge and cultivate skills for U.S. health policy development. Students learn effective policy analysis, research, and communications skills.
Public Health Law
Focuses on the role of law in public health administration and in the increasingly regulated healthcare industry. Provides a foundation in the relevant law for public health officers and healthcare industry administrators. Offered: jointly with LAW H 512; A.
Research Methods for Social and Contextual Determinants of Health
Explores study-design, measurement, analytic, and interpretation issues applicable to research on social and contextual determinants of health and health disparities. This lecture/seminar course is offered to graduate students with knowledge of epidemiologic and biostatistical principles who are interested in understanding complex relationships between social/contextual factors and health. Prerequisite: EPI 511 or EPI 512/513; and BIOST…
Maternal and Child Health in Low and Middle Income Countries
Emphasizes critical health problems of women and children in developing countries in social, economic, and cultural contexts. Practical approaches to developing MCH programs shared via lecture/discussions, exercises, and small group work. Students acquire skills in baseline assessment, setting objectives, planning and evaluating interventions, and involving communities. Offered: jointly with G H 544; W.
Epidemiology of Maternal and Child Health Problems
Contributions to understanding and prevention of major maternal and child health problems, including pregnancy outcome, infant and child morbidity and mortality, maternal morbidity and mortality, abnormal child growth and development, and early-life factors in adult health problems. Prerequisite: graduate, medical, or dental school standing and EPI 511 or EPI 512 or permission of instructor. Offered:…
COPHP Evaluation Design and Community Organizing
Covers concepts and approaches for program evaluation in public health. Uses one case, including a final assignment requiring students to work as a team to design an evaluation. Organizing synthesizes accumulated skills and knowledge a public health professional uses to work with communities to advance public health. Integrates a broad array of skills to consolidate…
COPHP Quantitative Methods
Acquaints students with methods of epidemiology and biostatistics used in conceptualizing, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative data on health outcomes and risk factors with quantitative methods for evaluating programs or treatments that address health concerns in populations. Expands skills in communicating quantitative aspects of public health, using writing, tables, and graphs. Offered: W.
The Health of Populations
Explores what makes a population healthy or unhealthy. Examines why the United States is less healthy than all other rich countries, despite being one of the healthiest fifty years ago. Offered: jointly with G H 482; W.
Homelessness in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in a City of Affluence
Covers the landscape and types of homelessness in Seattle and beyond. Topics include: causes and health consequences of homelessness, the role of destitute poverty in the loss of housing stability, history and politics of homelessness in Seattle, the effects of COVID-19 on homeless policy, hearing the voices of the unhoused, activism, shaming and saviorism, and…