Year/Quarter: 20251
Program Seminars
Graduate seminars organized to address specific educational needs of students in various fellowships, residencies, and other specialized programs within the Department of Health Sciences (i.e., maternal and child health, international health, preventive medicine, social and behavioral sciences). Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Assessing Outcomes in Health and Medicine
Concepts and methods for developing and using patient-reported outcomes in health and medicine. Emphasis on patient self-reported health status and quality of life. Qualitative research and psychometric methods applied to health outcomes assessment and all applications. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with HEOR 531; W.
Risk and Insurance Seminar
Presents the principles and practices of health insurance and risk. Emphasizes healthcare financing arrangements in the United States, including both private and government-sponsored (public) programs. Discusses comparisons with other developed countries.
Group Dynamics and Team Leadership
Focuses on theories and observations of team behaviors and techniques with emphasis on the individual as a team member; introduces team management/leadership models, theories, and skills. Students develop self-awareness, knowledge, and skills associated with building interpersonal relationships. Credit/no-credit only.
Organizational Behavior
Application of organizational behavior theory to explore the factors that affect behavior, performance, and job satisfaction of people working in organizations. Provides a body of knowledge and skills needed to successfully manage and lead healthcare organizations. Focuses on “best practices” for managing individuals, teams, and organizations.
Seminar in Healthcare Finance
Focuses on case studies and modern theory in managerial finance relevant to health services. Students prepare group presentations and individual case study analyses of health services finance problems. Builds on accounting and finance principles.
Health Economics
Uses economic concepts and tools to examine range of issues pertaining to healthcare, delivery of healthcare services. Includes demand analysis, production of health services, expenditure growth, markets for hospital and physician services, externalities. Emphasis on using economics to examine issues and solve problems. Prior economics courses not required.
Homelessness in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in a City of Affluence
Covers the landscape and types of homelessness in Seattle and beyond. Topics include: causes and health consequences of homelessness, the role of destitute poverty in the loss of housing stability, history and politics of homelessness in Seattle, the effects of COVID-19 on homeless policy, hearing the voices of the unhoused, activism, shaming and saviorism, and…
Health Policy and the Public’s Health
Explores the factors that affect health policy and the interaction of policy, markets, and the legal system through public health examples. Examines how science and community values intertwine in policy development, and how context influences the structure of and changes to a nation’s health system.
Public Health Leadership II: Systems Thinking for Public Health Leaders
Explores leadership and systems thinking to address complex public health issues. Prepares students to partner with a variety of stakeholders and participate in community-based coalitions. Students create problem statements and systems maps, apply an equity lens to solving public health issues, set programmatic goals, develop strategies to improve health, and discuss financing strategies for sustainable…