Year/Quarter: 20244
COPHP Population Health and Community Development
Population Health considers social and other factors that determine health. The course challenges dominate views of health. We compare health in the United States with other countries. In Community Development, we learn asset-based community engagement. Students work directly with community members, advocates, and service organizations to address health issues. Offered: A.
Advanced Methods for Global Health I
Focuses on the advanced concepts, theories, and methods of implementation science in global health, with a specific focus on fidelity, adaptation, strategy selection, de-implementation, sustainability, scale-up, advanced trials designs, qualitative methods, and mixed methods. Assumes prior knowledge of the fundamentals of implementation science. Prerequisite: G H 541 or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with G…
Introduction to Health Services and Public Health
History, organization, and effectiveness of U.S. healthcare and public health systems. Determinants of health, need, and utilization. Public and private financing. Supply and provision of personal and public health services. Managed care. Government and private sector roles. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor.
Health Systems and Policy
Students review and examine selected topics from literature. Includes need and access to care; theory and effects of health insurance; private and public insurance programs; managed care; costs/expenditures; availability and organization of health resources; and quality assessment and improvement. Enrollment priority for Health Services PhD students.
Applied Research Methods in Public Health
Skills and knowledge necessary to conduct orderly investigation of specific problems in preparation for Master of Public Health thesis or Capstone project. Includes problem identification, posing research questions, literature review, consideration of theoretical and practical context, choosing study design, methods review and selection, protection of human subjects, and recognizing potential errors. Prerequisite: registration in Online…
Health Program Evaluation
Focuses on the use of evaluations within health programs. Discusses how program evaluations utilize research methods to answer questions concerning efficacy, implementation, and drivers of changes in health. It also looks at the reasons for creating program evaluations — the drivers of evaluation, how results can be transformed into action, and the role of equity…
Advanced Health Services Research Methods I: Large Public Databases; Big Data
Introduces the new big data of health services research, health claims, and survey databases. Discusses the promises and pitfalls of the data and models for analyzing the correlates of health care costs and utilization. Prerequisite: either HSERV 511, BIOST 511/BIOST 512/BIOST 513, BIOST 517/BIOST 518, or EPI 511/EPI 512, and permission of instructor.
Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Introduction to health behavior change and health promotion. The course will cover theoretical foundations of health behavior and health promotion, as well as how to apply theory and evidence in health promotion practice. It will also introduce strategies for implementing and evaluating health promotion programs. Offered: A.
Personal and Public Health
Provides an overview of the key components of health and wellness. Presents a balance between individual responsibility and social determinants of public health, emphasizing a holistic preventative model. Incorporates self-assessment and considers the impact of personal, family, social, cultural, and environmental factors on health.
Healthcare Business Intelligence
Examines business and enterprise data used to inform enterprise healthcare business intelligence and decision making to underpin and meet strategic and operational business goals and objectives. Performance metrics, business data analytics, data mining, predictive modeling, business process modeling, data visualization and other tools used to enable healthcare program and product performance assessment are featured. Offered:…