Year/Quarter: 20244
Managing Healthcare Organizations
Introduces healthcare organizations and organizational management concepts. Develops a broad perspective by integrating conceptual, strategic, and systemic frameworks using four knowledge themes; the management role, organizational theory, management economics, and theory and practice of systemic organizational change within overall strategic management and systemic contexts.
Population Health Management
Provides health administration students with an introduction to managing the health of defined populations. Examples include: the population within the catchment area of a hospital, the members of a health maintenance organization, the persons served by an accountable care organization, and the population employed in a workplace. Offered: A.
Practicum/Field Work in Community Medicine
Experience in variable time blocks in community health activities in agencies delivering and planning health services. Sites include neighborhood clinics, health planning bodies, medical practice settings, public health agencies, special problem clinics and facilities, environmental programs and services. Prerequisite: master’s student in health services and permission of instructor.
Program Seminars
Graduate seminars organized to address specific educational needs of students in various fellowships, residencies, and other specialized programs within the Department of Health Sciences (i.e., maternal and child health, international health, preventive medicine, social and behavioral sciences). Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Structural Racism and Public Health
Introduces the concept of institutional racism and ways structural racism undermines public health. Discusses history of racism and intersections between structural racism and other systems of oppression. Explores relationship to racism and ways internalized racism acts as a barrier to health equity. Considers public health practitioners’ role in addressing racism. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
Preparing, Writing, and Critiquing Scientific Research Proposals
Experience in preparing, organizing, and writing research proposals, following NIH and AHRQ guidelines. Includes weekly assignments and didactic exercises, leading to final research proposal. All students participate in mock study section to review and critique proposals. Prerequisite: second-year graduate student (PhD recommended), or PhD or MD in health-related field. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with EPI…
Public Health Leadership I: Organizational and Financial Management
Covers the organizational and financial management of public health organizations. Organizational management topics include decision making, managing employees, diversity, leadership, and strategic planning. Financial management topics include financial reports, determining program costs, budgeting, and financial program evaluation. Students work on case studies and a final project that integrate the two disciplines.
Health Policy Development
Uses primarily case- and problem-based learning and small-group projects to focus on factors that influence public policy development concerning health services in the U.S., with some global health content. Examines the roles of science and stakeholder interests in the structure of and changes to a nation’s health system. Offered: A.
COPHP Health Policy
Covers concepts and analytic tools for health policy analysis, development, and advocacy, while exploring factors affecting public health policy, including science and community values. Students write a policy statement for an advocacy organization, teach a lay audience about an issue, and arrive at policy conclusions based on quantitative data.