Publication Author: Taylor_Victoria
Impact of a worker’s compensation practice guideline on lumbar spine fusion in Washington State.
Elam K, Taylor V, Ciol MA, Franklin GM, Deyo RA. Impact of a worker’s compensation practice guideline on lumbar spine fusion in Washington State. Med Care. 1997 May;35(5):417-24.
Attitudes and beliefs toward mammography among women using an urban public hospital.
Thompson B, Montaño DE, Mahloch J, Mullen M, Taylor V. Attitudes and beliefs toward mammography among women using an urban public hospital. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 1997 May;8(2):186-201.
Conflicting national recommendations and the use of screening mammography: does the physician’s recommendation matter?
Taplin SH, Urban N, Taylor VM, Savarino J. Conflicting national recommendations and the use of screening mammography: does the physician’s recommendation matter? J Am Board Fam Pract. 1997 Mar-Apr;10(2):88-95.
An interactive videodisc program for low back pain patients.
Spunt BS, Deyo RA, Taylor VM, Leek KM, Goldberg HI, Mulley AG. An interactive videodisc program for low back pain patients. Health Educ Res. 1996 Dec;11(4):535-41.
Surgical treatment of patients with back problems covered by workers compensation versus those with other sources of payment.
Taylor VM, Deyo RA, Ciol M, Kreuter W. Surgical treatment of patients with back problems covered by workers compensation versus those with other sources of payment. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 1996 Oct 1;21(19):2255-9.
Cervical Cancer among Asian American Women: A Neglected Publica Health Problem?
Taylor VM, Jackson JC, Schwartz SM, Tu SP, Thompson B. Cervical Cancer among Asian American Women: A Neglected Public Health Problem? Asian Am Pac Isl J Health. 1996 Autumn;4(4):327-342.
Community organization to promote breast cancer screening ordering by primary care physicians.
Taylor VM, Taplin SH, Urban N, White E, Mahloch J, Majer K, McLerran D, Peacock S. Community organization to promote breast cancer screening ordering by primary care physicians. J Community Health. 1996 Aug;21(4):277-91.
Increased risk of placenta previa among women of Asian origin.
Taylor VM, Peacock S, Kramer MD, Vaughan TL. Increased risk of placenta previa among women of Asian origin. Obstet Gynecol. 1995 Nov;86(5):805-8.
Community organization to promote breast cancer screening among women ages 50-75.
Urban N, Taplin SH, Taylor VM, Peacock S, Anderson G, Conrad D, Etzioni R, White E, Montano DE, Mahloch J, et al. Community organization to promote breast cancer screening among women ages 50-75. Prev Med. 1995 Sep;24(5):477-84.
Repeat mammography use among women ages 50-75.
Taylor VM, Taplin SH, Urban N, White E, Peacock S. Repeat mammography use among women ages 50-75. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 1995 Jun;4(4):409-13.