Publication Author: Reiber_Gayle
Challenges in merging Medicaid and Medicare databases to obtain healthcare costs for dual-eligible beneficiaries: using diabetes as an example.
Prela CM, Baumgardner GA, Reiber GE, McFarland LV, Maynard C, Anderson N, Maciejewski M. Challenges in merging Medicaid and Medicare databases to obtain healthcare costs for dual-eligible beneficiaries: using diabetes as an example. Pharmacoeconomics. 200
Effect of weight-bearing activity on foot ulcer incidence in people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: feet first randomized controlled trial.
Lemaster JW, Mueller MJ, Reiber GE, Mehr DR, Madsen RW, Conn VS. Effect of weight-bearing activity on foot ulcer incidence in people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: feet first randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther. 2008 Nov;88(11):1385-98. Epub 2008
Where high-risk adults receive influenza vaccine during a shortage.
Chi RC, Neuzil KM, Lipsky BA, Reiber GE. Where high-risk adults receive influenza vaccine during a shortage. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Nov 26;167(21):2366-8.
The process of implementing a rural VA wound care program for diabetic foot ulcer patients.
Reiber GE, Raugi GJ, Rowberg D. The process of implementing a rural VA wound care program for diabetic foot ulcer patients. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2007 Oct;53(10):60-6.
Peripheral arterial disease in a multiethnic national sample: the role of conventional risk factors and allostatic load.
Nelson KM, Reiber G, Kohler T, Boyko EJ. Peripheral arterial disease in a multiethnic national sample: the role of conventional risk factors and allostatic load. Ethn Dis. 2007 Autumn;17(4):669-75.
Facility-level variations in patient-reported footcare knowledge sufficiency: implications for diabetes performance measurement.
Rajan M, Pogach L, Tseng CL, Reiber G, Johnston M. Facility-level variations in patient-reported footcare knowledge sufficiency: implications for diabetes performance measurement. Prim Care Diabetes. 2007 Sep;1(3):147-53. Epub 2007 Jul 23.
Factors influencing disease self-management among veterans with diabetes and poor glycemic control.
Nelson KM, McFarland L, Reiber G. Factors influencing disease self-management among veterans with diabetes and poor glycemic control. J Gen Intern Med. 2007 Apr;22(4):442-7.
Veterans using and uninsured veterans not using Veterans Affairs (VA) health care.
Nelson KM, Starkebaum GA, Reiber GE. Veterans using and uninsured veterans not using Veterans Affairs (VA) health care. Public Health Rep. 2007 Jan-Feb;122(1):93-100.
Diabetes-related foot care at 10 Veterans Affairs medical centers: must do’s associated with successful microsystems.
Wrobel JS, Robbins JM, Charns MP, Bonacker KM, Reiber GE, Pogach L. Diabetes-related foot care at 10 Veterans Affairs medical centers: must do’s associated with successful microsystems. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2006 Apr;32(4):206-13.
Personal and treatment factors associated with foot self-care among veterans with diabetes.
Johnston MV, Pogach L, Rajan M, Mitchinson A, Krein SL, Bonacker K, Reiber G. Personal and treatment factors associated with foot self-care among veterans with diabetes. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2006 Mar-Apr;43(2):227-38.