Publication Author: Patrick_Donald
The significance of treatment effects: the clinical perspective.
Deyo RA, Patrick DL. The significance of treatment effects: the clinical perspective. Med Care. 1995 Apr;33(4 Suppl):AS286-91. Review.
A psychiatrist-rated battery of measures for assessing the clinical status of psychiatric inpatients.
Roy-Byrne P, Dagadakis C, Ries R, Decker K, Jones R, Bolte MA, Scher M, Brinkley J, Gallagher M, Patrick DL, et al. A psychiatrist-rated battery of measures for assessing the clinical status of psychiatric inpatients. Psychiatr Serv. 1995 Apr;46(4):347-52
Interpreting excess mortality in a prevention trial for older adults.
Patrick DL, Beresford SA, Ehreth J, Diehr P, Picciano J, Durham M, Grembowski DE. Interpreting excess mortality in a prevention trial for older adults. Int J Epidemiol. 1995;24 Suppl 1:S27-33.
Voluntary public health insurance for low-income families: the decision to enroll.
Madden CW, Cheadle A, Diehr P, Martin DP, Patrick DL, Skillman SM. Voluntary public health insurance for low-income families: the decision to enroll. J Health Polit Policy Law. 1995 Winter;20(4):955-72.
Toward an epidemiology of disablement.
Patrick DL. Toward an epidemiology of disablement. Am J Public Health. 1994 Nov;84(11):1723-5.
Methodological issues in measuring patient-reported outcomes: the agenda of the Work Group on Outcomes Assessment.
Fowler FJ Jr, Cleary PD, Magaziner J, Patrick DL, Benjamin KL. Methodological issues in measuring patient-reported outcomes: the agenda of the Work Group on Outcomes Assessment. Med Care. 1994 Jul;32(7 Suppl):JS65-76.
The validity of self-reported smoking: a review and meta-analysis.
Patrick DL, Cheadle A, Thompson DC, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Kinne S. The validity of self-reported smoking: a review and meta-analysis. Am J Public Health. 1994 Jul;84(7):1086-93.
Measuring preferences for health states worse than death.
Patrick DL, Starks HE, Cain KC, Uhlmann RF, Pearlman RA. Measuring preferences for health states worse than death. Med Decis Making. 1994 Jan-Mar;14(1):9-18.
Who enrolled in a state program for the uninsured: was there adverse selection?
Diehr P, Madden CW, Martin DP, Patrick DL, Mayers M, Char P, Skillman S, Cheadle A, Fishman P, Hoare G, et al. Who enrolled in a state program for the uninsured: was there adverse selection? Med Care. 1993 Dec;31(12):1093-105.
Race and survival time with AIDS: a synthesis of the literature.
Curtis JR, Patrick DL. Race and survival time with AIDS: a synthesis of the literature. Am J Public Health. 1993 Oct;83(10):1425-8. Review.