Publication Author: Patrick_Donald
Health state preferences of persons with anxiety.
Patrick DL, Mathias SD, Elkin EP, Fifer SK, Buesching DP. Health state preferences of persons with anxiety. Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 1998 Spring;14(2):357-71.
Predicting future years of healthy life for older adults.
Diehr P, Patrick DL, Bild DE, Burke GL, Williamson JD. Predicting future years of healthy life for older adults. J Clin Epidemiol. 1998 Apr;51(4):343-53.
Managed care and physician referral.
Grembowski DE, Cook K, Patrick DL, Roussel AE. Managed care and physician referral. Med Care Res Rev. 1998 Mar;55(1):3-31.
Quality of life in persons with irritable bowel syndrome: development and validation of a new measure.
Patrick DL, Drossman DA, Frederick IO, DiCesare J, Puder KL. Quality of life in persons with irritable bowel syndrome: development and validation of a new measure. Dig Dis Sci. 1998 Feb;43(2):400-11.
Effects of self-perceived hair loss in a community sample of men.
Girman CJ, Rhodes T, Lilly FR, Guo SS, Siervogel RM, Patrick DL, Chumlea WC. Effects of self-perceived hair loss in a community sample of men. Dermatology. 1998;197(3):223-9.
Pathways to disability income among persons with severe, persistent psychiatric disorders.
Estroff SE, Patrick DL, Zimmer CR, Lachicotte WS Jr. Pathways to disability income among persons with severe, persistent psychiatric disorders. Milbank Q. 1997;75(4):495-532.
Barriers to communication about end-of-life care in AIDS patients.
Curtis JR, Patrick DL. Barriers to communication about end-of-life care in AIDS patients. J Gen Intern Med. 1997 Dec;12(12):736-41.
Finding health-related quality of life outcomes sensitive to health-care organization and delivery.
Patrick DL. Finding health-related quality of life outcomes sensitive to health-care organization and delivery. Med Care. 1997 Nov;35(11 Suppl):NS49-57. Review.
Physical activity and health promotion for older adults in public housing.
Buchner DM, Nicola RM, Martin ML, Patrick DL. Physical activity and health promotion for older adults in public housing. Am J Prev Med. 1997 Nov-Dec;13(6 Suppl):57-62.
Validation of preferences for life-sustaining treatment: implications for advance care planning.
Patrick DL, Pearlman RA, Starks HE, Cain KC, Cole WG, Uhlmann RF. Validation of preferences for life-sustaining treatment: implications for advance care planning. Ann Intern Med. 1997 Oct 1;127(7):509-17.