Publication Author: Patrick_Donald
Weighted health status in the Medicare population: development of the Weighted Health Index for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (WHIMCBS).
Doctor JN, Chan L, MacLehose RF, Patrick DL. Weighted health status in the Medicare population: development of the Weighted Health Index for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (WHIMCBS). J Outcome Meas. 2000-2001;4(4):721-39.
Preferences for life-sustaining treatments in advance care planning and surrogate decision making.
Pearlman RA, Cain KC, Starks H, Cole WG, Uhlmann RF, Patrick DL. Preferences for life-sustaining treatments in advance care planning and surrogate decision making. J Palliat Med. 2000 Spring;3(1):37-48.
Quality adjusted life years in older adults with depressive symptoms and chronic medical disorders.
Unützer J, Patrick DL, Diehr P, Simon G, Grembowski D, Katon W. Quality adjusted life years in older adults with depressive symptoms and chronic medical disorders. Int Psychogeriatr. 2000 Mar;12(1):15-33.
Validation of the United States’ version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) instrument.
Bonomi AE, Patrick DL, Bushnell DM, Martin M. Validation of the United States’ version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) instrument. J Clin Epidemiol. 2000 Jan;53(1):1-12.
Quality of life measurement: will we ever be satisfied?
Bonomi AE, Patrick DL, Bushnell DM, Martin M. Quality of life measurement: will we ever be satisfied? J Clin Epidemiol. 2000 Jan;53(1):19-23.
Cultural adaptation of a quality-of-life measure for urinary incontinence.
Patrick DL, Martin ML, Bushnell DM, Marquis P, Andrejasich CM, Buesching DP. Cultural adaptation of a quality-of-life measure for urinary incontinence. Eur Urol. 1999 Nov;36(5):427-35.
Assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with interstitial lung disease.
Chang JA, Curtis JR, Patrick DL, Raghu G. Assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with interstitial lung disease. Chest. 1999 Nov;116(5):1175-82.
‘Finding a good thing’: the use of quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate an exercise class and promote exercise for adults with mobility impairments.
Maher EJ, Kinne S, Patrick DL. ‘Finding a good thing’: the use of quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate an exercise class and promote exercise for adults with mobility impairments. Disabil Rehabil. 1999 Sep;21(9):438-47.
The impact of onychomycosis on quality of life: development of an international onychomycosis-specific questionnaire to measure patient quality of life.
Drake LA, Patrick DL, Fleckman P, Andr J, Baran R, Haneke E, Sapède C, Tosti A. The impact of onychomycosis on quality of life: development of an international onychomycosis-specific questionnaire to measure patient quality of life. J Am Acad Dermatol. 19
Cost and outcomes of Medicare reimbursement for HMO preventive services.
Patrick DL, Grembowski D, Durham M, Beresford SA, Diehr P, Ehreth J, Hecht J, Picciano J, Beery W. Cost and outcomes of Medicare reimbursement for HMO preventive services. Health Care Financ Rev. 1999 Summer;20(4):25-43.