Publication Author: Meischke_Hendrika
Working Safely in the Trades as Women: A Qualitative Exploration and Call for Women-Supportive Interventions.
Curtis HM, Meischke HW, Simcox NJ, Laslett S, Monsey LM, Baker M, Seixas NS. Working Safely in the Trades as Women: A Qualitative Exploration and Call for Women-Supportive Interventions. Front Public Health. 2022 Jan 26;9:781572. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.7
The impact of medical tourism on cervical cancer screening among immigrant women in the U.S.
Jang SH, Meischke H, Ko LK. The impact of medical tourism on cervical cancer screening among immigrant women in the U.S. BMC Womens Health. 2021 Dec 15;21(1):414. doi: 10.1186/s12905-021-01558-0.
Development and Evaluation of an Online Toolkit for Managers of 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Centers to Reduce Occupational Stress.
Meischke H, Rogers M, Manchanda S, Sears JM, Revere D, Grewal R, Beaton R. Development and Evaluation of an Online Toolkit for Managers of 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Centers to Reduce Occupational Stress. Health Promot Pract. 2021 Oct 4:15248399211042
Relationship between genetic knowledge and familial communication of CRC risk and intent to communicate CRCP genetic information: insights from FamilyTalk eMERGE III.
Makhnoon S, Bowen DJ, Shirts BH, Fullerton SM, Meischke HW, Larson EB, Ralston JD, Leppig K, Crosslin DR, Veenstra D, Jarvik GP. Relationship between genetic knowledge and familial communication of CRC risk and intent to communicate CRCP genetic informati
Factors Associated with Buying Medications Abroad by Nativity and Race/Ethnicity in the US.
Jang SH, Ko LK, Meischke H. Factors Associated with Buying Medications Abroad by Nativity and Race/Ethnicity in the US. J Immigr Minor Health. 2020 Dec;22(6):1184-1192. doi: 10.1007/s10903-020-00979-7.
A Revised Ecological Model of Occupational Stress: Applications to 9-1-1 Telecommunicators.
Meischke H, Beaton R, Lilly M, Tu A, Revere D. A Revised Ecological Model of Occupational Stress: Applications to 9-1-1 Telecommunicators. Workplace Health Saf. 2020 Oct;68(10):460-467. doi: 10.1177/2165079920934316. Epub 2020 Jul 20.
Finding Dr. Kim: Information Sources of Korean Immigrants’ Search for a Doctor in the U.S.
Jang SH, Ko LK, Meischke H. Finding Dr. Kim: Information Sources of Korean Immigrants’ Search for a Doctor in the U.S. Healthcare (Basel). 2020 Apr 9;8(2). pii: E92. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8020092.
Delays in recognition of the need for telephone-assisted CPR due to caller descriptions of chief complaint.
Stangenes SR, Painter IS, Rea TD, Meischke H. Delays in recognition of the need for telephone-assisted CPR due to caller descriptions of chief complaint. Resuscitation. 2020 Apr;149:82-86. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.02.013. Epub 2020 Feb 20.
Destress 9-1-1-an online mindfulness-based intervention in reducing stress among emergency medical dispatchers: a randomised controlled trial.
Lilly M, Calhoun R, Painter I, Beaton R, Stangenes S, Revere D, Baseman J, Meischke H. Destress 9-1-1-an online mindfulness-based intervention in reducing stress among emergency medical dispatchers: a randomised controlled trial. Occup Environ Med. 2019 O
Using a smartwatch with real-time feedback improves the delivery of high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation by healthcare professionals.
Lu TC, Chang YT, Ho TW, Chen Y, Lee YT, Wang YS, Chen YP, Tsai CL, Ma MH, Fang CC, Lai F, Meischke HW, Turner AM. Using a smartwatch with real-time feedback improves the delivery of high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation by healthcare professionals. R