Publication Author: Knerr_Sarah
Characteristics Associated with Participation in ENGAGED 2 – A Web-based Breast Cancer Risk Communication and Decision Support Trial.
Wernli KJ, Bowles EA, Knerr S, Leppig KA, Ehrlich K, Gao H, Schwartz MD, O’Neill SC. Characteristics Associated with Participation in ENGAGED 2 – A Web-based Breast Cancer Risk Communication and Decision Support Trial. Perm J. 2020 Dec;24:1-4. doi: 10.781
Organizational readiness to implement population-based screening and genetic service delivery for hereditary cancer prevention and control.
Knerr S, West KM, Angelo FA. Organizational readiness to implement population-based screening and genetic service delivery for hereditary cancer prevention and control. J Genet Couns. 2020 Oct;29(5):867-876. doi: 10.1002/jgc4.1216. Epub 2020 Jan 22.
Prior breast density awareness, knowledge, and communication in a health system-embedded behavioral intervention trial.
Mahorter SS, Knerr S, Bowles EJA, Wernli KJ, Gao H, Schwartz MD, O’Neill SC. Prior breast density awareness, knowledge, and communication in a health system-embedded behavioral intervention trial. Cancer. 2020 Apr 15;126(8):1614-1621. doi: 10.1002/cncr.32
Clinical Molecular Marker Testing Data Capture to Promote Precision Medicine Research Within the Cancer Research Network.
Burnett-Hartman AN, Udaltsova N, Kushi LH, Neslund-Dudas C, Rahm AK, Pawloski PA, Corley DA, Knerr S, Feigelson HS, Hunter JE, Tabano DC, Epstein MM, Honda SA, Ter-Minassian M, Lynch JA, Lu CY. Clinical Molecular Marker Testing Data Capture to Promote Pre
Trends in BRCA Test Utilization in an Integrated Health System, 2005-2015.
Knerr S, Bowles EJA, Leppig KA, Buist DSM, Gao H, Wernli KJ. Trends in BRCA Test Utilization in an Integrated Health System, 2005-2015. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2019 Aug 1;111(8):795-802. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djz008.
A framework for coordination center responsibilities and performance in a multi-site, transdisciplinary public health research initiative.
Hohl SD, Knerr S, Thompson B. A framework for coordination center responsibilities and performance in a multi-site, transdisciplinary public health research initiative. Res Eval. 2019 Jul;28(3):279-289. doi: 10.1093/reseval/rvz012. Epub 2019 Jun 14.
Women’s beliefs about what causes obesity: variation by race/ethnicity and acculturation in a Washington State sample.
Knerr S, Ceballos RM, Chan KCG, Beresford SAA, Bowen DJ. Women’s beliefs about what causes obesity: variation by race/ethnicity and acculturation in a Washington State sample. Ethn Health. 2020 Feb;25(2):243-254. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2017.1414156. Epub 2
A web-based personalized risk communication and decision-making tool for women with dense breasts: Design and methods of a randomized controlled trial within an integrated health care system.
Knerr S, Wernli KJ, Leppig K, Ehrlich K, Graham AL, Farrell D, Evans C, Luta G, Schwartz MD, O’Neill SC. A web-based personalized risk communication and decision-making tool for women with dense breasts: Design and methods of a randomized controlled trial
Incidence of Neutropenia in Veterans Receiving Lung Cancer Chemotherapy: A Comparison of Administrative Coding and Electronic Laboratory Data.
Knerr S, Hu EY, Zeliadt SB. Incidence of Neutropenia in Veterans Receiving Lung Cancer Chemotherapy: A Comparison of Administrative Coding and Electronic Laboratory Data. EGEMS (Wash DC). 2017 Mar 13;5(1):1269. doi: 10.13063/2327-9214.1269. eCollection 20
Genetic causal beliefs about obesity, self-efficacy for weight control, and obesity-related behaviours in a middle-aged female cohort.
Knerr S, Bowen DJ, Beresford SA, Wang C. Genetic causal beliefs about obesity, self-efficacy for weight control, and obesity-related behaviours in a middle-aged female cohort. Psychol Health. 2016 Apr;31(4):420-35. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2015.1115503. Epub