Publication Author: Knerr_Sarah
Patient navigation for hereditary colorectal cancer: Design of a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of pathways to genetic counseling.
Reed AK, Kohn MJ, Stayman S, Cole AM, Ko CW, Konnick EQ, Swanson PE, Zhang Y, Knerr S. Patient navigation for hereditary colorectal cancer: Design of a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of pathways to genetic counseling. Contemp C
Prevalence and prediction of medical distrust in a diverse medical genomic research sample.
Angelo F, Veenstra D, Knerr S, Devine B. Prevalence and prediction of medical distrust in a diverse medical genomic research sample. Genet Med. 2022 Apr 6. pii: S1098-3600(22)00697-9. doi: 10.1016/j.gim.2022.03.007. [Epub ahead of print]
Retrospective assessment of barriers and access to genetic services for hereditary cancer syndromes in an integrated health care delivery system.
Muessig KR, Zepp JM, Keast E, Shuster EE, Reyes AA, Arnold B, Ingphakorn C, Gilmore MJ, Kauffman TL, Hunter JE, Knerr S, Feigelson HS, Goddard KAB. Retrospective assessment of barriers and access to genetic services for hereditary cancer syndromes in an i
Using Protection Motivation Theory to Predict Intentions for Breast Cancer Risk Management: Intervention Mechanisms from a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Conley CC, Wernli KJ, Knerr S, Li T, Leppig K, Ehrlich K, Farrell D, Gao H, Bowles EJA, Graham AL, Luta G, Jayasekera J, Mandelblatt JS, Schwartz MD, O’Neill SC. Using Protection Motivation Theory to Predict Intentions for Breast Cancer Risk Management: I
Systemic Barriers to Risk-Reducing Interventions for Hereditary Cancer Syndromes: Implications for Health Care Inequities.
Mittendorf KF, Knerr S, Kauffman TL, Lindberg NM, Anderson KP, Feigelson HS, Gilmore MJ, Hunter JE, Joseph G, Kraft SA, Zepp JM, Syngal S, Wilfond BS, Goddard KAB. Systemic Barriers to Risk-Reducing Interventions for Hereditary Cancer Syndromes: Implicati
Effect of a Randomized Trial of a Web-Based Intervention on Patient-Provider Communication About Breast Density.
Bowles EJA, O’Neill SC, Li T, Knerr S, Mandelblatt JS, Schwartz MD, Jayasekera J, Leppig K, Ehrlich K, Farrell D, Gao H, Graham AL, Luta G, Wernli KJ. Effect of a Randomized Trial of a Web-Based Intervention on Patient-Provider Communication About Breast
Evaluation of Training Gaps Among Public Health Practitioners in Washington State.
Sainkhuu S, Cunha-Cruz J, Rogers M, Knerr S, Bekemeier B. Evaluation of Training Gaps Among Public Health Practitioners in Washington State. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2021 Sep-Oct 01;27(5):473-483. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001184.
Effect of Personalized Breast Cancer Risk Tool on Chemoprevention and Breast Imaging: ENGAGED-2 Trial.
Wernli KJ, Knerr S, Li T, Leppig K, Ehrlich K, Farrell D, Gao H, Bowles EJA, Graham AL, Luta G, Jayasekera J, Mandelblatt JS, Schwartz MD, O’Neill SC. Effect of Personalized Breast Cancer Risk Tool on Chemoprevention and Breast Imaging: ENGAGED-2 Trial. J
Transdisciplinary research outcomes based on the Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer II initiative experience.
Hohl SD, Knerr S, Gehlert S, Neuhouser ML, Beresford SAA, Unger JM, Fishman PA, Thompson B. Transdisciplinary research outcomes based on the Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer II initiative experience. Res Eval. 2021 Jan;30:39-50. doi: 10
Design of a study to implement population-based risk assessment for hereditary cancer genetic testing in primary care.
Bowen DJ, Wang C, Cole AM, Norquist BM, Knerr S, Devine B, Shirts B, Cain K, Harris HM, Haile HG, Swisher EM. Design of a study to implement population-based risk assessment for hereditary cancer genetic testing in primary care. Contemp Clin Trials. 2021