Publication Author: Edwards_Todd
Quality of life: how do adolescents with facial differences compare with other adolescents?
Topolski TD, Edwards TC, Patrick DL. Quality of life: how do adolescents with facial differences compare with other adolescents? Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2005 Jan;42(1):25-32.
Toward youth self-report of health and quality of life in population monitoring.
Topolski TD, Edwards TC, Patrick DL. Toward youth self-report of health and quality of life in population monitoring. Ambul Pediatr. 2004 Jul-Aug;4(4 Suppl):387-94.
Quality of life of adolescent males with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Topolski TD, Edwards TC, Patrick DL, Varley P, Way ME, Buesching DP. Quality of life of adolescent males with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Atten Disord. 2004 Feb;7(3):163-73.
Quality of life of adolescents with perceived disabilities.
Edwards TC, Patrick DL, Topolski TD. Quality of life of adolescents with perceived disabilities. J Pediatr Psychol. 2003 Jun;28(4):233-41.
Adolescent quality of life, part I: conceptual and measurement model.
Edwards TC, Huebner CE, Connell FA, Patrick DL. Adolescent quality of life, part I: conceptual and measurement model. J Adolesc. 2002 Jun;25(3):275-86.
Adolescent quality of life, part II: initial validation of a new instrument.
Patrick DL, Edwards TC, Topolski TD. Adolescent quality of life, part II: initial validation of a new instrument. J Adolesc. 2002 Jun;25(3):287-300.
Quality of life and health-risk behaviors among adolescents.
Topolski TD, Patrick DL, Edwards TC, Huebner CE, Connell FA, Mount KK. Quality of life and health-risk behaviors among adolescents. J Adolesc Health. 2001 Dec;29(6):426-35.