Publication Author: Diehr_Paula
Two studies of good clinical judgment.
Christensen-Szalanski JJ, Diehr PH, Bushyhead JB, Wood RW. Two studies of good clinical judgment. Med Decis Making. 1982;2(3):275-83.
On the relationships among headache symptoms.
Diehr P, Wood R, Wolcott B, Slay L, Tompkins RK. On the relationships among headache symptoms. J Chronic Dis. 1982;35(5):321-31.
Phased trial of a proven algorithm at a new primary care clinic.
Christensen-Szalanski JJ, Diehr PH, Wood RW, Tompkins RK. Phased trial of a proven algorithm at a new primary care clinic. Am J Public Health. 1982 Jan;72(1):16-21.
Health status as a measure of need for medical care: a critique.
Yergan J, LoGerfo J, Shortell S, Bergner M, Diehr P, Richardson W. Health status as a measure of need for medical care: a critique. Med Care. 1981 Dec;19(12 Suppl):57-68.
Acute headaches: presenting symptoms and diagnostic rules to identify patients with tension and migraine headache.
Diehr P, Wood RW, Barr V, Wolcott B, Slay L, Tompkins RK. Acute headaches: presenting symptoms and diagnostic rules to identify patients with tension and migraine headache. J Chronic Dis. 1981;34(4):147-58.
Toward understanding elders’ health service utilization.
Branch L, Jette A, Evashwick C, Polansky M, Rowe G, Diehr P. Toward understanding elders’ health service utilization. J Community Health. 1981 Winter;7(2):80-92.
Correlation of auxotype and penicillin susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with sexual preference and clinical manifestations of gonorrhea.
Handsfield HH, Knapp JS, Diehr PK, Holmes KK. Correlation of auxotype and penicillin susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with sexual preference and clinical manifestations of gonorrhea. Sex Transm Dis. 1980 Jan-Mar;7(1):1-5.
Increased access to medical care: the impact on health.
Diehr PK, Richardson WC, Shortell SM, LoGerfo JP. Increased access to medical care: the impact on health. Med Care. 1979 Oct;17(10):989-99.
The relationship between utilization of mental health and somatic health services among low income enrolees in two provider plans.
Diehr P, Williams SJ, Shortell SM, Richardson WC, Drucker WL. The relationship between utilization of mental health and somatic health services among low income enrolees in two provider plans. Med Care. 1979 Sep;17(9):937-52.
Reproducibility of clinical data and decisions in the management of upper respiratory illnesses: a comparison of physicians and non-physician providers.
Wood RW, Diehr P, Wolcott BW, Slay L, Tompkins RK. Reproducibility of clinical data and decisions in the management of upper respiratory illnesses: a comparison of physicians and non-physician providers. Med Care. 1979 Jul;17(7):767-79.