Publication Author: Connell_Frederick
Children in foster care in the state of Washington. Health care utilization and expenditures.
Takayama JI, Bergman AB, Connell FA. Children in foster care in the state of Washington. Health care utilization and expenditures. JAMA. 1994 Jun 15;271(23):1850-5.
Effect of changes in maternal age, parity, and birth weight distribution on primary cesarean delivery rates.
Parrish KM, Holt VL, Easterling TR, Connell FA, LoGerfo JP. Effect of changes in maternal age, parity, and birth weight distribution on primary cesarean delivery rates. JAMA. 1994 Feb 9;271(6):443-7.
Variations in the accuracy of obstetric procedures and diagnoses on birth records in Washington State, 1989.
Parrish KM, Holt VL, Connell FA, Williams B, LoGerfo JP. Variations in the accuracy of obstetric procedures and diagnoses on birth records in Washington State, 1989. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Jul 15;138(2):119-27.
StORQS: Washington’s Statewide Obstetrical Review and Quality System: overview and provider evaluation.
Jones L, LoGerfo J, Shy K, Connell F, Holt V, Parrish K, McCandless K. StORQS: Washington’s Statewide Obstetrical Review and Quality System: overview and provider evaluation. QRB Qual Rev Bull. 1993 Apr;19(4):110-8.
Short, thin, or obese? Comparing growth indexes of children from high- and low-poverty areas.
Sherry B, Springer DA, Connell FA, Garrett SM. Short, thin, or obese? Comparing growth indexes of children from high- and low-poverty areas. J Am Diet Assoc. 1992 Sep;92(9):1092-5.
Small area analysis of surgery for low-back pain.
Volinn E, Mayer J, Diehr P, Van Koevering D, Connell FA, Loeser JD. Small area analysis of surgery for low-back pain. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 1992 May;17(5):575-81.
Medicaid prenatal care: a comparison of use and outcomes in fee-for-service and managed care.
Krieger JW, Connell FA, LoGerfo JP. Medicaid prenatal care: a comparison of use and outcomes in fee-for-service and managed care. Am J Public Health. 1992 Feb;82(2):185-90.
Access to obstetric care in rural areas: effect on birth outcomes.
Nesbitt TS, Connell FA, Hart LG, Rosenblatt RA. Access to obstetric care in rural areas: effect on birth outcomes. Am J Public Health. 1990 Jul;80(7):814-8.
Situational and financial barriers to prenatal care in a sample of low-income, inner-city women.
St Clair PA, Smeriglio VL, Alexander CS, Connell FA, Niebyl JR. Situational and financial barriers to prenatal care in a sample of low-income, inner-city women. Public Health Rep. 1990 May-Jun;105(3):264-7.
Lack of difference in neonatal mortality between blacks and whites served by the same medical care system.
Kugler JP, Connell FA, Henley CE. Lack of difference in neonatal mortality between blacks and whites served by the same medical care system. J Fam Pract. 1990 Mar;30(3):281-7; discussion 287-8.