Program: UGrad
Independent Study
Individual library or field study project selected in consultation with a faculty adviser.
Community Health Assessment
Introduces role of assessment in planning for community health improvement through health promotion activities. Considers determinants of health; methods to find, collect, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data; interpret findings to describe the health resources, risks, and outcomes; role of assessment in identifying health disparities and patterns of health inequities. Offered: Sp.
Homelessness in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in a City of Affluence
Covers the landscape and types of homelessness in Seattle and beyond. Topics include: causes and health consequences of homelessness, the role of destitute poverty in the loss of housing stability, history and politics of homelessness in Seattle, the effects of COVID-19 on homeless policy, hearing the voices of the unhoused, activism, shaming and saviorism, and…
Topics in Indigenous Health
Covers the fundamentals of Indigenous health, including Indigenous conceptual frameworks specific to health, wellness, and resilience. Topics include Indigenous social determinants of health, Federal Indian health policy, and American Indian and Alaska Native trends in population health outcomes within the context of the socio-ecological model.
Introduction to Applied Qualitative Methods in Public Health
Covers qualitative methods in public health research and practice, including exploratory and descriptive studies, human subjects and ethics review, frameworks, theory and hypothesis generation, content and thematic analysis, sampling approaches, and interviews, focus groups, document review, observations, and photovoice. Students apply practical skills to code, analyze, interpret, and visually present qualitative data.
The Health of Populations
Explores what makes a population healthy or unhealthy. Examines why the United States is less healthy than all other rich countries, despite being one of the healthiest fifty years ago. Offered: jointly with G H 482; W.
War and Health
Explores the health consequences of war (injury, infectious diseases, mental health, chronic disease, malnutrition, infrastructure) and the role of health professionals and others in preventing war (advocacy, measurement and application of epidemiology methods, promotion of social equity).
Personal and Public Health
Provides an overview of the key components of health and wellness. Presents a balance between individual responsibility and social determinants of public health, emphasizing a holistic preventative model. Incorporates self-assessment and considers the impact of personal, family, social, cultural, and environmental factors on health.
Communicating about Health: Current Issues and Perspectives
Provides an overview of health communication topics and perspectives for students who are interested in pursuing careers in the health industry and those with a research interest in health communication such as caregivers, health care administrators, marketing and public relations professionals, media planners, public health promoters, and educators, researchers and others. Offered: WSp.
Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Introduction to health behavior change and health promotion. The course will cover theoretical foundations of health behavior and health promotion, as well as how to apply theory and evidence in health promotion practice. It will also introduce strategies for implementing and evaluating health promotion programs. Offered: A.