Program: COPHP
Program Seminars
Graduate seminars organized to address specific educational needs of students in various fellowships, residencies, and other specialized programs within the Department of Health Sciences (i.e., maternal and child health, international health, preventive medicine, social and behavioral sciences). Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Practicum/Field Work in Community Medicine
Experience in variable time blocks in community health activities in agencies delivering and planning health services. Sites include neighborhood clinics, health planning bodies, medical practice settings, public health agencies, special problem clinics and facilities, environmental programs and services. Prerequisite: master’s student in health services and permission of instructor.
COPHP Quantitative Methods
Acquaints students with methods of epidemiology and biostatistics used in conceptualizing, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative data on health outcomes and risk factors with quantitative methods for evaluating programs or treatments that address health concerns in populations. Expands skills in communicating quantitative aspects of public health, using writing, tables, and graphs. Offered: W.
COPHP Health Behavior and Health Promotion and Environmental Health
Environmental Health reviews scientific principles utilized in environmental public health and examines the occurrence of diseases resulting from environmental and occupational exposures. Health Behavior and Promotion reviews theory and practice of planning and evaluating public health promotion problems and applying sound judgment when deciding about identification, audience segmentation, and intervention selection. Offered: Sp.
COPHP Health Policy
Covers concepts and analytic tools for health policy analysis, development, and advocacy, while exploring factors affecting public health policy, including science and community values. Students write a policy statement for an advocacy organization, teach a lay audience about an issue, and arrive at policy conclusions based on quantitative data.
COPHP Evaluation Design and Community Organizing
Covers concepts and approaches for program evaluation in public health. Uses one case, including a final assignment requiring students to work as a team to design an evaluation. Organizing synthesizes accumulated skills and knowledge a public health professional uses to work with communities to advance public health. Integrates a broad array of skills to consolidate…
COPHP Management and Leadership
Explores the principles of leadership and management within the context of public health organizations. Explores the distinction between management and leadership and examines the management functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the use of human and financial resources to accomplish the goals of the organization.
COPHP Population Health and Community Development
Population Health considers social and other factors that determine health. The course challenges dominate views of health. We compare health in the United States with other countries. In Community Development, we learn asset-based community engagement. Students work directly with community members, advocates, and service organizations to address health issues. Offered: A.