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  • BACK TO SCHOOL: Maximizing school safety amidst growing vaccine hesitancy

    BACK TO SCHOOL: Maximizing school safety amidst growing vaccine hesitancy

    Recent reports highlight a growing trend of vaccine hesitancy among parents of school-age children, with between 20% to 25% expressing worries about routine and recommended vaccines.

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  • Neil Sehgal to lead health administration programs

    Neil Sehgal to lead health administration programs

    “Careers in health administration bring with them a tremendous responsibility — shaping the experience of those receiving care, obviously, but also those providing it,” Neil says of his priorities in leading the program.

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  • Vaccine politics may be to blame for GOP excess deaths, study finds

    Vaccine politics may be to blame for GOP excess deaths, study finds

    New MHA & EMHA program director and associate professor Neil Sehgal was quoted in a recent Washington Post article examining the politics of vaccination.

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  • Master of Health Administration program wins sustainability award

    Master of Health Administration program wins sustainability award

    The UW Master of Health Administration program, housed in HSPop, is pleased to be the recipient of the 2021 Award for Sustainability in Healthcare Management Education and Practice. Learn more about the award and the students behind it.

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