We hope UW Master of Health Administration (MHA) applicants are able to find answers to their questions here. Frequently asked questions are organized by topics.
Admission application deadlines and details can be found on the MHA admissions page.
How many students do you admit?
How do I make my application more competitive?
How much professional experience do applicants usually have?
What if my GPA is below 3.0?
My recommenders haven’t submitted their letters. What should I do?
What if I don’t get invited for an interview?
Is it possible to defer my admission to a future term?
Can I enroll in classes without being admitted to the MHA program?
Can I combine the MHA with another degree?
For information on visiting us or sitting in on a class, view the MHA contact page.
Program Information
More detailed information about the MHA program is in the program experience section of our website.
Are there any prerequisite classes or recommended classes?
Can I work while enrolled in the MHA program?
Cost and Financial Support
Please find costs and financial support information on the MHA cost and aid page.
International and Undocumented Applicants
We welcome applications from international and/or undocumented applicants. Learn more about the details and requirements on the UW Department of Health Systems and Population Health (HSPop) website.